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Messages - Rev. Elizabeth

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Library Announcements / Agenda: Trustees' Meeting May 25 2017
« on: May 23, 2017, 04:34:53 PM »

Fairfax Community Library Board of Trustees Meeting
May 25, 2017
6:30 PM - Fairfax Room

•   Call to Order

•   Approval of minutes of May 3, 2017 meeting

•   Treasurer’s Report

•   Correspondence

•   Updates
o   Funding for indoor library renovations
o   May 22 Long Range Facilities Committee Meeting
o   Other

•   New Business
o   Fourth of July Parade and other Summer Events
o   Summer Schedule
o   Other

•   Adjourn

Announcements / Come Visit the Tool Museum!
« on: May 21, 2017, 06:46:22 AM »
The Arnold Zlotoff Tool Museum, a comprehensive collection of early American tools, opens for the season Memorial Day Weekend.  The museum will be open 10-4 all three days of the weekend.  Located at the Apple Island Resort in South Hero, the museum is free.  Look for the red barn: that’s where we are!  A guide is available for your assistance.
We remain open Saturdays 10-4  through Columbus Day.

Visit our website:  http://www.arnoldzlotofftoolmuseum.com

Announcements / Thank you!!
« on: May 18, 2017, 06:06:36 AM »
Thank you to all the postal patrons who contributed food for the FoodShelf through the post office food drive.  Your generosity is appreciated!

Unapproved Minutes: May 3 2017 meeting Fairfax Community Library Trustees.

In attendance; Liz Griffin, Eric Foreman, Chris Fearon, Pat Gallant, Janel Gamm, Debbie Landauer, Joy Mercer.

Pat called the meeting to order at 6:30.
There was neither correspondence nor public input.
The minutes of the March 30 meeting were approved. The motion to approve was made by Chris.

Eric, the new treasurer, reported that he had received all the necessary documents and records from Kyle. Bank signature cards have been signed by Eric and Pat. Both will have access to the accounts.  Checks will now need two signatures. Deb Woodward is also be a signatory.
The latest balance of the savings account is $2722.62, and the checking account, $540.56.


Re: no idling signs.  Concerns about idling cars outside the library were discussed at the Joint Board meeting on April 13.  New signs are now up and are highly visible to drivers.

Re: facilities meetings
John Tague has yet to send Pat information about the dates for the facilities committee meetings.  Since the library will eventually need more space, it seems appropriate for someone from the library to attend these meetings, thus the need for information.

Re: capital improvements.
Joy met with John to discuss what she and Debbie have selected to purchase with the funds available through the school’s surplus of Capital Improvement Funds.  He felt that her selections were suitable and appropriate. Joy will attend the School Board meeting on May 8 to present her list of desired items. The materials ordered have to be delivered by June 30.

Re: Summer reading program
Funding for the summer reading program tee shirts is in place.  The Enrichment Fund will contribute  half, which is  $418, and the Trustees will pay the balance which will come out of the savings account.  Liz made a motion to use pay for the tee shirts from the savings account and it was approved.
This year the readers who participate will be asked to record number of minutes spent reading, rather than the number of books read.  Readers will  log every 20 minutes read, rather than  the number of books read in order  to win tee shirts and other prizes. This year’s  nation-wide Summer Reading Program theme is Build a Better World.

Prizes for readers in the 6-12 year old category include our long  standing tradition of 2 bicycles funded this year by the BFA Board of Trustees.

New Business

Capital Improvements.

John gave Joy three categories:$ 25,000, $50,000, and above.  Joy will create proposals for all 3 levels.
In selecting items, her concerns were suitability, flexibility, and durability.  She did not want items that would not be useful in the future, or would get in the way of the current furniture.  Ordering will take place mainly through Demco which has a statewide contract and the best overall prices. 
The materials requested range from  foldable, moveable tables to replace the current heavy wooden tables, to metal shelving for juvenile fiction, to a book repair station, among others .   
The total for all the materials ordered came to $33,000, which is higher than the minimum, but less than the second target of $50,000.  Should it be possible to add to the list so the cost will reach the $50.000 amount, possible addenda include new rugs and new cabinets for the Fairfax room, and an area rug in the reference room.

The  trustees appreciate the amount of work Joy, and Debbie put into creating the list of materials, and support their efforts to create a more workable environment for all library patrons and staff.

The next Trustees’ meeting  will be May 25, 2017. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55. .

Respectfully submitted

Rev. Elizabeth Griffin, secretary.

Library Announcements / Agenda: FCL Trustees' Meeting May 3, 2017
« on: April 29, 2017, 09:24:42 AM »

Fairfax Community Library Board of Trustees Meeting
May 3, 2017
6:30 PM - Fairfax Room

•   Call to Order

•   Approval of minutes of March 30, 2017 meeting

•   Treasurer’s Report

•   Correspondence

•   Updates
o   Outcomes of April 13, 2017 Joint Board Meeting
o   Other

•   New Business
o   Funds for summer t-shirts
o   Proposal for indoor library renovations
o   SLACK Technology Demo
o   Other

•   Adjourn

I can never think about Apple Sunday without remembering Marvin Nelson’s last day.

It was late on the Sunday before Apple Sunday that I got the  call.  Marvin had a heart attack; he was in the hospital.  I found him in the open ward at the ICU.  Marvin, being Marvin, was alert, perky and concerned. He kept pushing aside the ventilator to talk.
I had to  yell to be understood; between the whoosh of the ventilator and the shrapnel induced deafness, communication was a challenge.
Marvin wanted to know:   would he be out in time to see the soccer game at the high school?  would he be able to get the Apples for Apple Sunday?

Ever since he had arrived in Fairfax Marvin and I made the annual trip to Allenholm’s to get the apples for Apple Sunday.  First we would look at the animals.  The burro: he reminded me that a burro has a cross because it was a donkey that carried Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday; then the belgian: Marvin was a classic horse whisperer, he loved all horses.

Then, we would go inside and order the apples. As  we waited  he would buy me fudge and I would buy us  maple cremees.

He would miss this. Marvin knew, in his heart of hearts  that he was facing the end.  “I want to get the apples this time,” he told me.  “Take the money out of my billfold.”  And so I did, laughing to myself; I had never heard someone usse the word ‘billfold.’ It was oldfashioned; of a bygone era, like Marvin.

It was a long week. He fussed because they wouldn’t give him coffee; camomile tea just didn’t make it. We decided to give him coffee.   On Friday, the day I planned to  get the apples, I went to spend the day with him.  He realized it was time to take off the machine and put his life in God’s hands.  He knew what it meant and was unafraid. I knew it was the last day of his life; I am not sure if his friends did, or if they did, wanted to recognize it.

And then it began.  First Joanne Delaney stopped by.  Then his good friends the Bakers from Newport Center came by. Now, Mr Baker, a former pro football player, was a big man with a big voice.  Along with him, his wife and daughter, we were making a lot of noise in the open ward area,  visiting,laughing; far too much noise for the ICU. One of the nurses gladly told us of the empty  room and we all paraded to the room laughing and talking as Marvin was rolled in his bed.

 Marvin’s brother Roger called and they had a good, long conversation.  Unfortunately, his very good  friends the Gamms, with whom he had spent many holidays, were not there,   

Next the DuPeysters came, another group of old and dear friends from Arlington. Marvin had spent many days helping out with the animals on their farm.  He was a beloved friend, as he was to many more than any of us possibly knew.
 We were all chatting, smiling, but behind it all  was  a deep sadness.
  “Mahvin,” the Elder DePeyster said in his gravelly Vermont voice, “Mahvin, when you get better you can come down and we can hitch up the horses.” 
“But what about the mule, “ Marvin asked.
“Oh, well hitch him up too.”
“How will I get there?”
“Oh, we’ll come and get you.

As the  elder DePeyster spoke with Marvin, his daughter and I listened and looked out the window over the city, trying not to cry.

And then one by one, they said their goodbyes and left
It was my turn.  I said the Lord’s Prayer with him; thanked him for being who he was; told him I’d see him tomorrow, and left.
By now he was sitting shirtless, his small body moist with perspiration.

I sat in the lobby  with a cup of hot chocolate, trying not to think.  Arriving at Allenholm’s I went to look at the burro, tears beginning to well in the corners of my eyes. I noted the cross on its back; I looked at the horse.

Going inside I bravely went to the counter to ask for two bushels of utility macs.  I opened my mouth to speak and burst into tears.
Walking away, I wondered what the clerk  thought about this  strange old lady crying over apples.

Arriving home I checked my messages.  The nurse from the ICU called and asked that I call him.

In a kindly voice he told me that he was in the room with Marvin, and he turned around and Marvin had, without a sound, gently gone into that good night. I am glad Marvin wasn’t alone. 

Marvin had died at about the time I was out there getting apples.

The entire BFA running team was at my house for their pre-race pasta dinner.  Running outside I found my husband who needed no words and  hugged me. 

Dan Gibson  was standing nearby and I told him that Marvin Nelson had died. 
‘Oh, ‘ he said, “The little man who helps.

I went into the house to make the phone calls.   

Joint Board Meeting, April 13, 2017
Unapproved Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 by chair Pat Gallant.  Present were: Pat, Liz Griffin, Debbie Landauer, Joy Mercer, Steve Cormier, Eric Foreman, Chris Fearon, John Tague,Kathy Muehl.
Pat welcomed new members to the group and clarified that there were only 5 voting members on the board: two Library trustees, two school board representatives, and the Selectboard representative.

There was neither public input nor correspondence.

Elections for Chair and Secretary of the Joint Committee were held. Pat Gallant was nominated and elected unanimously for Chair.  Elizabeth Griffin was nominated and elected unanimously for Secretary.

The minutes of the last Joint Board meeting, held in October 2016, were reviewed and approved. 

Both librarians presented a review of the highlights of their quarterly reports.

Joy Mercer stated that the library is very busy and she has an average of 23  classes each week.  She noted that there has been a steady  increase in the number of walk-in students, who come to meet friends, to work on the computers, to do homework. 

The Red Clover program is an active reading program in grades K-4  and Mrs. Haddock’s 2nd grade class has been blogging about the books with the librarian and a class at the Charlotte Elementary School.   This provides the opportunity to read the books, share the books, and learn how to create a post.
Grades  4-12 have the opportunity to read the Dorothy Canfield Fisher books, a list of 30.
There are 5 students who have read all 30. Students must read at least 5 to vote.  In June  there is a celebration for all students who have read at least five of the list.  The youth who read all 30 will receive a gift card from Phoenix Bookstore.  This program, begun by Marcheta Townsend, continues in her memory.

Debbie Landauer reported that the Community Library had a table at Town Meeting.  Information, a slide show, and the opportunity to become a member were available.  The library also had a table with information at  the polling place on voting day.

The library now has two circulation computers which reduces waiting time considerably.
There is also a book drop under the counter, thanks to the custodial staff.

In the first quarter of 2017 the Community Library welcomed 24 new patrons. 1600 adult fiction books were taken out, and thanks to the weather, snowshoes were checked out 33 times. 

Although the weather kept the numbers down, the baby dedication was a pleasant event.

The Community Library continues to be engaged in the life of the community through its many programs for children and adults.  Several new programs of note are the monthly Lab Girls program designed to encourage girls to be involved in STEM, an on-going French class for adults, two monthly sewing classes taught by Karin, and a presentation by  Mary Fillmore, prize-winning author of “ An Address in Amsterdam,” who  spoke about her book and the history around it. .

 Attendees for programs from January through March was 668 juvenile and 250 adult.

Devin Borthwick will again be the summer student employee.

Steve asked about how these events are publicized and suggested that Debbie add Facebook Boost (ads) to the already extensive list of venues she and Nicole use for promotion.
She indicated that for the Summer Reading Program she distributes flyers to all the teachers and students.

Unfinished business

There no policy updates at this time.

Facilities Committee.

There had been some concern because the two librarians had met with the architect working on reimagining the school, and had heard neither from him nor the committee.  John Tague stated that because of the situation with Act 46 that committee had been put on hold, but reconvened in November 2016. 

He indicated that aside from the construction of the elementary school wing, the school had not had any upgrades since 1948.  He reviewed the extensive plans to redesign the building and said the School Board  will present a bond issue for the work in September.   None of the changes envisioned will have any effect on the library.

John said that there is a surplus in the school budget, and the board might have the financial resources to address some of the reorganizing of the library space that the librarians had discussed with the architect.  Debbie and Joy will meet to prioritize their ideas  in terms of need and cost,  discuss them with John, meet with the trustees on May 4, and then meet with  School  Board at their May 8 meeting.

Debbie noted that there might be grants, or other revenue streams available to reconfigure the interior of the library. Steve said he would check into if the town has any means of contributing.

New Business

Both Debbie and Joy stated that particularly during certain times of year--when neither the air conditioning nor heat are on--exhaust from cars idling in front of the library enters the building through the air vents, creating unhealthy air.  Perhaps more signs, and signs that face the parked cars might help.  John will check with Todd Granger about signs.  He also remarked that the School Resource Officer who will be available in the fall could help with this concern.

The next Joint Board meetings will be : October 12, 2017 and April 12, 2018.

Steve made the motion to adjourn and we adjourned at 8:00.

Respectfully submitted

Elizabeth Griffin

Thoughts & Musings From Pastor Liz / One Sunrise Service...
« on: April 14, 2017, 11:47:49 AM »
It happens.  Memories get conflated. One event merges with others  Perhaps all the details I remember, the images I see in my mind's eye, are the coalescing of many sunrise services. Perhaps not.
I remember seeing his small figure walk across the meadow. I remember the faith of a man who had seen the worst of human behavior and still believed with deep, unabashed faith. That, at least,  is a  true and right and good memory, unclouded and unaltered by the passage of time.

I don’t remember the date of Easter Sunday that year. But I do know that the air was still and clear; sunlight  streamed up  over the hill, and the only sounds were  the occasional hum of traffic and the twittering of birds in the distant woods.

Clustering together we sang, we prayed.
 “Tell me,” I asked the group, “what do you remember about Easter Sunday? Are there memories, stories you might want to share?.” 
There was silence.  A young boy remembered chocolate Easter bunnies and finding eggs.  Silence again.  Then Marvin spoke. 
“The Japanese didn’t expect us to invade on a holiday, so we did.  We invaded Okinawa on Easter Sunday.“
The silence was deep and painful. We waited in that silence, but he said no more.
We stood together, waiting for what this little old man who everyone loved but no one really knew might, if anything, say next. 
“I thought this ” he  finally said, meaning crucifixion,and finally,  resurrection, the essence of the holiday, “was to end all that.”
 The chocolate bunnies disappeared from our minds. Suddenly Easter was not a celebration, but a deep remembering of the horrors humans can and do wreak on one another.
He could speak of memories  because he  had survived.  We knew he lost ‘buddies,’  there, as he would call them on Memorial Day, when he  remembered again.  We knew that the hope that faith provides is a fragile thing; a treasure to be held and cherished.
And then, at last,  I read a Gospel passage, of a woman running from an empty tomb; we sang again, of the green blade rising from the buried grain; “Christ is risen” we greeted each other.
And the sun rose over the hill, as it will; and the robin sang with cheer from the top of the budding maple; and each of us, with our memories,  drifted back to our cars, and on with the day.

Fairfax Community Library
BFA Fairfax School Board
Joint Board Meeting
April 13, 2017
BFA Fairfax Conference Room
6:30 PM


Call to Order 

Public Input

Review Agenda

Election of Officers
•   Chair
•   Secretary


Approval of minutes of October 13, 2016 Joint Board meeting

Quarterly Reports - Librarians

Unfinished Business
•   Recently updated policies
•   Update of Facilities Committe
o   Restructuring of Interior space of the library
o   Other
•   Other

New Business
•   More signs about idling cars in front of library entrance
•   Set date for Joint Board Meetings (Oct. 2017 and April, 2018)
•   Update distribution list for meeting notices
•   Other


Unapproved Minutes 3 /30/17
Fairfax Community Library
Board of Trustees Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 6:;30 by chair Pat Gallant.  Present were Debbie Landauer, Janel Gamm, Liz Griffin, and new trustees, Chris Fearon and Eric Foreman.

There was neither public input nor correspondence.

The minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed and approved.

The treasurer’s report, submitted by Kyle Metayer, listed $540.36 in the checking account, and $2722.37 in the savings account. The money spent for the Baby Book Dedication ws $112.44.  For the benefit of our new trustees, Chris and Eric, Debbie noted that there are also CD’s, and the amount in each will be noted in the next treasurer’s report.

Chris Fearon and Eric Foreman, the newly elected  trustees, were welcomed. All trustees shared information about themselves as a way to introduce themselves to Chris and Eric.
As part of new trustee orientation we all watched a brief video, “What it Means to Be a Trustee.”  Brief remarks followed. Essentially, trustees are both the governing board and fiduciary agent for the Community library and the library director is the manager.


Town Meeting.   At the March 4 2017 Town Meeting Pat, Debbie, and Liz were present representing the Library.  Although there was not a large crowd, people did stop to ask questions, and one  person became a member and a second person asked for interlibrary loan materials.
The library also had informational materials available at the polls.

Facilities Committee.  There seems to be a lack of information about the library vis a vis changes to the current  facilities revision plan.  Neither Joy nor Debbie have had further information about the state of the library in the facilities revision.  There was concern because neither librarian had been invited back to the most recent facilities committee meeting.

Library Director Leave.  Debbie will be on leave for two weeks beginning April 3, 2017 for a shoulder injection procedure.  She will be back on the 17th.  Karin. Lara, and Mary Lou will fill in and she has left extensive plans for the smooth operation of the library while she is gone.

Summer Student Employee.  Devan Borthwick will be returning this summer.

Welcoming Sign.  At the previous trustees’ meeting posting a welcoming sign on the library doors, not unlike the sample we read from the Cabot Library, was discussed, and the trustees decided to post it during National Library Week, which is April 9-15.  The trustees approved this idea and it will be posted with the appropriate names attached.

New Business
Officers for the 2017-18 year were chosen, Pat and Liz will continue in their roles as president and secretary, and Eric Foreman will be treasurer.  Eric will contact Kyle to have his role clarified and to receive materials.  It was decided that there  should be two names on the library checking account and so Debbie  Pat Gallant will add her name.

The town had made changes to its Personnel Policy and Debbie has made appropriate changes to the Library Personnel Policy to align  with the town policy.  The changes involve sickskci leave for the part time employees, the number of holidays in the calendar, and the number of floater days for part time employees.  Reimbursement for travel for all town library staff  is also included in the changes. Liz made the motion and the trustees moved to approve the changes.

The Joint Board will meet in the BFA Conference room on April 13.  A partial list of agenda items includes the election of officers, quarterly reports from the librarians, unfinished business, policy updates, and update on the restructuring of the library interior.  Dates for future Joint Board meetings and a request for new signs restricting idling in front of the library will also be included.  Further agenda items will be solicited and added to the final agenda which will be posted in a timely fashion.

Meeting dates for the Library Trustees in 2017-18  have been set.  They are : May 25, August 17, September 28, November 16, and January 18. It is quite likely that meetings will be added during budget season. 

Chris Fearon will monitor School Board minutes to see if there are any items of concern to the library. 

The Town no longer is using purchase orders. We will follow suit and Pat  will  send Debbie Woodward an email saying we are in agreement with this policy.
In the future when salaries for librarian staff are submitted, we will submit them based on an hourly rate of pay.

The meeting adjourned at 8:10.

The Joint Board meets April 13 at 6:30. The next Trustees meeting is May 18.

Respectfully submitted

Elizabeth Griffin, secretary.


Fairfax Community Library Board of Trustees Meeting
March 30, 2017
6:30 PM - Fairfax Room


•   Call to Order

•   Approval of minutes of February 9, 2017 meeting

•   Treasurer’s Report

•   Correspondence

•   Welcome new trustees:  Christina Fearon and Eric Foreman
Discussion:  What does it mean to be a Trustee?
                       Materials for Trustees
                       Brief Orientation Video

•   Updates
o   Town Meeting Day Presence
o   Facilities Committee
o   Plans for Library Director on leave in April
o   Summer student library assistant
o   Other

•   New Business
o   Election of Trustee officers for March 2017-March 2018
o   Personnel policy update
o   Plan agenda for April 13th Joint Board meeting
o   Schedule Trustee meetings for 2017-2018
o   Needed:  Trustee to follow School Board agendas and minutes
o   Purchase orders change
o   Pay rate info
o   Other

•   Other

•   Adjourn

Library Announcements / Unapproved Minutes 2/8/16 FCL Trustees' minutes.
« on: February 18, 2017, 11:50:23 AM »
Fairfax Community Library
Trustees’ Meeting
February 9 2017

The meeting was called to order by Chair Pat Gallant at 6:30.  Present were: Pat Gallant, Patti Reaves, Janel Gamm, Kyle Metayer, Liz Griffin and Debbie Landauer.
There was no public input.
The unapproved minutes of the 12/8/16  Trustees’ meeting were reviewed and approved.
The treasurer reported that there is $1540.56.  In the checking account, $2720.16 in the savings account.  He has been waiting for $1000 in checks to clear. There was a $30 overdraft fee which has been paid.

The library budget for the upcoming 18 months has been approved by the Selectboard. Kyle was thanked for his work preparing and presenting the budget.

There are three candidates for trustee: Christine Fearon, Marti Sterin, and Eric Foreman.  Pat will ask each to write a brief biography which will be posted on the library website and facebook page, allowing voters a chance to get to know the candidates.

The official  ballot will state that there are three candidates for two library positions, and that the term of office for each is 3 years.

Kyle and Patti were thanked for their participation on the Board of Trustees, and Pat Gallant, on behalf of the Trustees and LIbrary Director gave each a framed certification of appreciation.

There was a discussion about how best to introduce the new trustees to the work of being a trustee. It was decided to hold a brief orientation meeting on March 30 where trustees  old and new will meet and discuss the role of Trustee. A brief video about being a Library Trustee will be shared. Trustee binders returned by Kyle and Patti Reaves will be passed on to the new trustees.

Debbie reported that a substantial number of people have signed up for the upcoming parenting workshops.  Baby sitters have also been arranged. The money allocated for the workshops is adequate.

Debbie has created an infographic containing a summary of library usage statistics for 2016. It will be used in-house, at Town Meeting table and included in the quarterly report that will be presented at the Joint Board Meeting on April 13.

New Business
Kyle reported that a small change was made to the budget to accommodate floater days for the Library Assistant position (Lara Bessette).  The additional amount to the budget is $225.

Town meeting will be held on March 4, and the School Board meeting will be held first.  Debbie and some trustees will be present in the morning, and will have materials about the library and a slide show.  The library will also have a literature table available on voting day,
 March 7.

Triggered by an document shared by the Cabot Library, a discussion ensued about how to be sure all the public knows that the library is a safe and welcoming place whose goal is to promote literacy and share information, and that  all people are welcome to use the library’s resources. 
It was decided that during National Library Week, April 9-15, the library will promote this message.

In response to a letter from Molly Foreman of Building Bright Futures/ Success by Six, the trustees approved, on  motion from Kyle, to welcome all babies born in 2016 currently living in Fairfax, to participate in the Baby Book Dedication program.

Barbara Murphy has made a donation of $1000 to the library to be used for programs.  The trustees are delighted and grateful. The donation will be accounted for under ‘other income/expenses.’

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30.

The next meeting will be March 30, 2017 with our new trustees. 

The Joint Board meeting will be held April 13, 2017.

General Discussion / Fairfax Community Center...Needs your Help!
« on: February 15, 2017, 01:25:59 PM »

Did you go to the Fall Rummage Sale that the Ladies of the Church run?  Did you have fun at the Haunted House?  Did your children make Christmas Ornaments and ride the hay wagon at the Christmas Tree Lighting? Or perhaps you ate breakfast at the Hunter’s Breakfast and enjoyed pie and ice cream at the Pie and Ice Cream Social.

And did you wonder about that lovely old building with the 4 columns set back from the road, that building that hosted all these events?

That building, once a Baptist Church, is one of the oldest structures in Fairfax.  That building, graciously donated to the Town by the United Church of Fairfax, will one day be our much needed Fairfax Community Center.

You may not know that there are several groups now working to make that vision a reality.  Many people are working to write grants, plan the progress of the building restoration develop a capital campaign, and move forward so that the vision becomes a reality.

Perhaps you have skills that you could share with these various groups.  You might have skills that would help with the restoration of the building.  If you have questions or would like to share your time and talents, please feel free to contact Colin Santee at:  colin-recreation@Fairfax-vt.gov
or Susannah Chamberlain at:  spn1945@gmail.com

We would be happy to have you join us making the vision a reality

Fund Raisers / One last reminder about this great Valentine's Day Brunch!
« on: February 06, 2017, 03:10:16 PM »
Hi neighbors -

I just wanted to invite you to our 7th Annual Valentine's Day Brunch which raise funds for the local non-profit, People Helping People Global. The event will be held at the Sunset Ballrooma the Comfort Suites,  1712 Shelburne Rd. in South Burlington. There will be live music from the Smokey Newfield Project, and there's a silent auction with over $2,000 in items from places like Shelburne Farms, The Edge, Single Pebble, Papa Franks, and Sneakers. (Thanks to all of our sponsors!)

The event is a great opportunity to meet other individuals interested in international development, learn a bit about the projects, pick up great deals from the silent auction, and hear some great music. Tickets are $25 for adults, $15 for students (13-26 & Enrolled), $12 per child (age 3-12), and free for 2 & under.

Announcements / Annual Valentine's Day Brunch!
« on: January 19, 2017, 12:36:35 PM »
Join us at  PHPG's Annual  Valentine's Day Brunch Benefit! This year's event will be held in the Sunset Ballroom of Comfort Suites on Shelburne Road,  overlooking Lake Champlain. The cost of a ticket covers a full brunch buffet, two hours of live music by The Smokey Newfield Project, and a silent auction.
 All proceeds from this event  benefit our micro lending  economic development projects in Nicaragua. Tickets can be purchased online by using the link https://phpg.webconnex.com/valentinesday
Time: 12-2pm on Sunday Feb. 12, 2017
Location: Sunset Ballroom at the Comfort Suites, 1712 Shelburne Rd. | South Burlington, Vermont 05403
Cost: $25 per adult; $15 per student (13-26 & Enrolled), $12 per child (age 3-12); No charge for ages 2 & below
 PHPG is  a Fairfax based not for profit, Find us on Facebook!

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