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« : June 24, 2004, 09:01:04 AM »

From time to time, whenever the urge strikes me, I send out notes to my Fairfax News Group which most of you that go on the forum do not see.  I sent one out this morning that has some information all of you might be interested in.  The note went as follows:

Hi All,

Well, its that time of year again when The Fairfax Historical Society has its big Fund Raiser.  We usually raise around $350 which helps us keep the place open and do whatever minor repairs we might have.  We also have on different occasions received some very generous donations by some of our very kind citizens here in town who just want to do something to help us out.  At our last meeting, one individual gave us a generous check to buy some new chairs  Nothing we asked for, they just wanted to do something nice for us.

Our Big Fund Raiser is Our Annual Pie & Ice Cream Social.  Last year due to threatening weather, it was necessary to hold it inside the Baptist Building  This year, if our weather forecasters are right, it will be held as usual, outside, in front of the Baptist Building on Main Street here in Fairfax.  Our pies are all donated, usually around 50 of them, so there is a huge assortment to pick from.  It all starts at 7 p.m.  The Fairfax-Fletcher-Westford Band will provide some relaxing entertainment while you enjoy some delicious pies, ice cream and lemonade.  We are looking forward to seeing you there this Sunday night.  For a look at last year’s Pie & Ice Cream Social, which was held inside, go to:


We recently had 3 deaths, and although these people did not live in town, many of you had a connection with them.  Jane (Free) Parah  Wife of Charlie Parah, Rose Maskell, mother of Donna who went to BFA here and believe Donna was in our daughter Sharon’s class and also Stan Phillips, brother of Bill Phillips who lives on the road between here and Westford on Route 128.  Bill is married to Frena (Webb) Phillips, sister to Doug Webb.  You may view these obituaries, if you have not already seen them by going to the following web site and clicking on Latest Deaths Inputted:


Jim Cushing also sent me another photo of the Class of 1979 that was taken up at Frank & Betsy Berardinelli’s camp on June 13th at their gathering there for their class reunion.  I put the names under the photo, since due to my failing memory and certainly not because they have grown to look so much older, I was unable to recognize most of them.  You may check this out by going to the following web site.  Don’t forget to double click on the photos in order to see them in full size.


I have also sent one down to the Messenger, so hopefully they will publish it when they have the space.

DSL here at the Raymond Household is looking very promising.  Received the required equipment yesterday and they tell me they will be turning it on on July 2, 2004, which is not far away.  Summer sure is flying by.

Have a great day,

Henry Raymond
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