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Topics - Kathleen

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Current News & Events / Another Weather Record Broke for 2012
« on: September 13, 2012, 09:05:43 AM »
Yesterday we broke another weather record according to WCAX-TV:  79 days (average 45 days) of temperatures 80 degrees or above for 2012.  Today is suppose to go into the 80s as well making it 80 days above 80 degrees. We are just breaking those records all over the place in 2012.

Current News & Events / Must See House Decorations
« on: December 15, 2011, 05:05:29 PM »
My daughter and I have a tradition of driving around on Christmas Eve to look at the lights. Does anyone know where there are any "Must See" house or neighborhood decorations. 
The tradition started one Christmas Eve coming home from my aunt's house on the Fletcher Road and we stopped to see the house at the foot of the hill. We were standing there checking out all the decorations when a kindly elder gentleman came out and asked if we wanted to see the decorations in the back yard. He gave us the grand tour along with all the back stories for each section as to when they were first started. It was amazing; I've never seen so many beautiful nativity scenes in one place before.
I really miss seeing that house at Christmas time.

Current News & Events / Breast Cancer Research
« on: November 03, 2011, 07:32:58 AM »
Everyone has a “pet” charity and mine happens to be Breast Cancer Research.  Some of you have heard this suggestion before as I mention it every year in support of my charity; but it really is a truly productive idea …

Instead of buying Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa stamps for your holiday cards this year, consider giving a little extra gift with your mail – buy Breast Cancer Research stamps instead.  They are used just like a first-class stamp, but the difference in price is sent direct to help Breast Cancer Research.

The cost of the stamp is 55 cents and can be bought at any post office by just asking.  These stamps are the only stamps I use year-round.

You know you’re going to the post office to buy stamps anyway, and it is the season for giving – so what do you say?  Chances are we all know someone who has had this disease, so let’s take one step closer to ending breast cancer by giving to research in this small but very significant way.

Thank you.

Current News & Events / Homeowners Should Call 211 to Report Damage
« on: May 12, 2011, 10:59:12 AM »
This press release will be going out to the public this afternoon:

Homeowners Should Call 211 to Report Damage

WATERBURY – Homeowners and renters in Vermont who suffered damage or losses in floods over the past few weeks should call 2-1-1 to report that damage.  2-1-1 will record all damage information and pass along to Vermont Emergency Management to assist in its efforts to receive a federal disaster declaration and financial help for homeowners.
VEM is currently working to estimate private property damage around Vermont to determine if the state may qualify for an Individual Assistance disaster declaration from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.  2-1-1 is the central call point for all homeowners to report this damage.  Vermont has received NO disaster declaration for individual or public assistance as yet.

 The state of Vermont needs to show significant damage to private homes to qualify for an Individual Assistance declaration from the federal government.  It is imperative that all homeowners who have damages call 2-1-1 and make a report.  However, those homeowners should not expect any immediate relief or assistance when calling 2-1-1.If you need immediate emergency assistance call 9-1-1.

211 is a service of the United Way.

Mark Bosma
Public Information Officer
Vermont Emergency Management

Current News & Events / Good People Really Do Exist -- Thank You
« on: November 18, 2010, 09:51:42 AM »
The other night I heard a quick knock on my door and then saw someone run quickly pass my window.  I went to the door thinking it's a little late for a Halloween prank and saw a huge box and a frozen 16 lb turkey sitting on my stoop. 

I have a hard time accepting help like this because I always feel there are people who need the help more than I do.  Over the years, I have been blessed enough to always have someone there to help me when it was needed; whether it was family, my church, or other charitable organizations. 

Watching the news nowadays makes it easy to become cynical and leery of people; but then things like this happen and it reminds you that the world is still full of good, generous and kind people.

I have no idea who was responsible for this latest act of kindness, but wanted to express my heartfelt appreciation in an open forum (since they obviously wanted to remain anonymous) in hopes that my gratitude will reach the appropriate people.  I will be sharing my thanksgiving with others in need, so that your kindness will help more people than me.


Current News & Events / Breast Cancer Research
« on: October 28, 2009, 03:35:51 PM »
Instead of buying Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa stamps for your holiday cards this year, consider giving a little extra gift with your mail -- buy breast cancer research stamps instead.  They are used just like a first-class stamp, but the difference in price is sent to help breast cancer research. 

The cost of the stamp is 55 cents and can be bought at any post office by just asking.  These stamps are the only stamps I use year-round.

You know you're going to the post office to buy stamps anyway, and it is the season for giving -- so what do you say?   Let's take one step closer to ending breast cancer by giving to research in this small but significant way.

Current News & Events / Reception Places in Fairfax
« on: March 16, 2009, 01:31:50 PM »
Does anyone know of any place in Fairfax that could be rented out for a wedding reception for approx 150 people.  My niece is getting married at St. Luke's Church and was hoping the guests wouldn't have to travel very far for the reception.

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