

The minutes presented below are unapproved , subject to corrections and/or additions at the next Selectboard meeting. Those corrections and/or additions will be written to the original minutes. If you, the viewer, wish to personally see those changes, you will need to go to the Fairfax Town Office to view those changes as written on the original paper copy.

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Fairfax Selectboard Minutes of 06/26/06

Selectboard members Jeff Blake, Charlie Swanson, Judy Cleary, Bill Ormerod, and Doug Webb were present at the meeting. Also present were Erin McSweeney, Don Pigeon, Johanna Blake, Colleen Steen, Clarice Streets, Gabe Handy, and Steve Bessette. These minutes are unofficial until approved by the Board at the next regularly scheduled Selectboard meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. Don informed the board that the State has awarded a town highway structure grant for the River Road project. This grant, in conjunction with the federal grant already received, is for the steel pylons and footings for the project. The total of the grant is $55,000, and the town's portion is $11,000. Don also discussed the progress of the con/span bridge for the River Road project. The prints should arrive in the mail to the town office either Monday or Tuesday and Don and Charlie will review these. Also, the rest of the project will be put out to bid. The board expects there will be 4 or 5 contractors who will bid on this. Don and Jeff also discussed the intersection of Swamp Road and Fletcher Road.

Bob Strang, a resident of Swamp Road, addressed the board regarding the intersection of Swamp Road and Fletcher Road. Bob expressed concern that cars are traveling too fast on both Swamp Road and Fletcher Road. Jeff informed Bob that the board is aware of the problem, and Bill added that Don has installed appropriate signage according to state specifications. Also, Jeff informed Bob that he and Don are waiting for the opportunity to pursue a grant that would fund an engineering study for this area.

Gabe Handy addressed the board regarding properties he owns on Maple Street. He was inquiring about existing sewer and water allocations and how they are affected if he tears down existing homes and puts up condos.

Steve Bessette, Emergency Management Coordinator, attended the meeting so that the board could sign the new Franklin County Regional Mutual Aid Agreement. Steve informed the board that there have been no revisions made to the document. Jeff motioned to accept the new Franklin County Regional Mutual Aid Agreement. Charlie seconded. All board members were in favor. Judy Cleary signed the document, with Doug Webb witnessing her signature.

Doug motioned to accept the minutes with one amendment. Bill seconded. 3 board members voted in favor, and 2 board members abstained.

Vermont Agency of Transportation has funds available for small Park-and-Ride facilities around the state. The deadline for submitting the grant application is July 31, 2006. If the town received the grant to build the facility, it would then be the town's responsibility to maintain the Park-and-Ride. Jeff Blake motioned not to pursue the grant at this time. Bill seconded. Three board members voted in favor of not pursuing the grant, and one board member was opposed. The board will not pursue this grant at this time.

OTHER BUSINESS: Dale, Donna, Jim and Judy attended an election workshop. Judy informed the board that a direct phone line will have to be installed into the polling place for handicapped voters.

Erin will call CVPS to report there are streetlights out around town.

Bill received information from Colleen Steen that was passed along to her regarding burning that was taking place on Shepardson Hollow Road. Bill made a site visit and spoke to the builder soon after and was told he did indeed have a permit for burning. Bill also reported that Don Pigeon has taken care of the signs for the construction signs for the recreation path project.

Also, notices will be sent this week to residents living on roads to be closed for the Egg Run taking place on August 5th.

PUBLIC INPUT: Clarice Streets addressed the board regarding comments made by the board regarding the lead time for DRB meetings. Clarice stated that the DRB is very busy, and is complying with state law.

Johanna Blake asked the board about the flags in town. Some of the flags are tattered and are in need of replacement. The flags were put up by the Fire Department. Erin will contact Ann Lemieux of the Fairfax Business Professionals Association regarding how to go about having the flags replaced. If the FBPA is unable to replace the flags, the board authorized Bill to purchase the flags.

The board continued making recommendations for changes to the by-laws.

There was no Executive Session during this meeting.

Doug motioned to adjourn, and Bill seconded. The Selectboard meeting was adjourned at 8:58.

____________________________________ Erin McSweeney, Selectboard Administrator

The above minutes are unapproved , subject to amendment.

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