

The minutes presented below are unapproved , subject to corrections and/or additions at the next Selectboard meeting. Those corrections and/or additions will be written to the original minutes. If you, the viewer, wish to personally see those changes, you will need to go to the Fairfax Town Office to view those changes as written on the original paper copy.

Any time the Selectboard "amends" the previous weeks' minutes, there will be a statement to that effect in the minutes of the meeting at which the "amending" occurred.

Fairfax Selectboard Minutes of 03/17/08

Selectboard Members present: Bill Ormerod, Judy Cleary, Charlie Swanson, Randy DeVine, and Bob Horr. Staff Members present: Don Pigeon, Road Foreman, and Erin McSweeney, Administrative Assistant to the Selectboard. Public Present: Andrew Parent

1.Call to Order

Judy Cleary, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 7:03PM.

2. Minutes

Bill motioned to accept the minutes from the meeting on March 10, 2008, as written. Bob seconded. All board members voted in favor of accepting the minutes as written.

3. Items on the Agenda

A. Don Pigeon - The Road Crew has been filling pot holes. He informed the board that he will be getting a load of salt from Barrett's. Bill asked Don about an invoice from Merriam Graves for $16.20 and an invoice from SB Collins for $530.00 for fuel oil. The invoice from SB Collins is not coded correctly; the invoice is actually for truck engine oil. Don informed the board that he has not met with Randy Reed of VTrans to evaluate the intersection of Sam Webb Road and Potter Road or to look at the 2 culverts he would like to sleeve.

Judy asked if Don has explored the feasibility of paving one Town road at a time instead of paving sections of different roads. Don informed the board that the Town would have to go through the Act 250 process if he paves larger portions of one road; Bill added that if Don paves over one mile of a road, an application to Act 250 is required. Don added that stormwater considerations would have to reviewed if he paves over ½ mile of a road. Judy also informed Don that there is bank erosion at the top of Maple Street.

Bob has spoken with Don regarding a concern from a resident of the Wagner Road area; the resident expressed concern that a dumpster has been placed at the corner of White Pine Road and Wagner Road. The resident feels that the dumpster is not in a convenient location. The dumpster was put there in an attempt to keep the area free of debris. The board determined that the dumpster should remain in place in the interest of the health and safety of the residents.

Bob has spoken with a resident of Wheezy Way regarding Cathy and DJ Leach's concerns about the trash at the end of the road. The resident indicated that either an enclosed area for trash receptacles or a dumpster could be put there to help keep the area free of debris.

B. Randy DeVine - Reviewed the following reports for February 2008: Phosphorus Monitoring Report, Wastewater Operations Report, and the Permit Monitoring Report. He informed the board that he has completed the Spill Prevention Plan, and he will submit a copy to the State. The Plan includes a diagram of the sewer system including manholes, and of the lagoons. Randy has also reviewed the water and sewer allocations for Rene Boissoneault's property. He verified has 3 units that use Town water.
Randy will be working on the Stage II disinfection bi-product rule for IDSE certification letter. Randy is currently trying to determine the location of a water leak, as he observed an increase in the daily demand on the system. He has checked a spot on Buck Hollow Road. He will continue to investigate this. He will be distributing disconnect notices this week.

Bill distributed a draft of a classified ad for a Back-Up Operator. Bob motioned to implement the classified for a Back-Up Operator. Bill seconded. All board members voted in favor. The ad will be placed in the Buyer's Digest, the Free Press, and the St. Albans Messenger. A resume and contact information should be forwarded to the Fairfax Utility Department, care of the Selectboard, by the close of business on April 18, 2008. The ad will also be posted in the Forums section on Henry Raymond's website at www.vtgrandpa.com.

Judy asked Randy about the plan to inspect the manholes in Town. Randy indicated that he would like to work on this in May; he stated that, at this point, he is planning to clean the reservoirs during the summer.

4. Other Business

A. Bill has reviewed the invoices and purchase orders for this week. Bill motioned to appoint Charlie Swanson to review the weekly invoices and purchase orders. Randy seconded. Bill indicated that he will review these when Charlie is not present. All board members voted in favor. The board would like to verify that the invoice from Merriam Graves is in fact for the Highway Department before it is paid.

B. The board reviewed the Correspondence Worksheet including the weekly summary from the Vermont State Police. The board also reviewed the contract from the Franklin County Sheriff's Department. Bill motioned to sign the Sheriff's contract. Bob asked if the contract is the same as in previous years. Bill informed Bob that it is the same. Bob seconded. All board members voted in favor. Judy, Bill, Randy and Bob signed the contract. The board has also reviewed the Sewer Allocation and Connection ordinance. The ordinance will remain in place and will be revised at a later date.

C. Josh Langelier was appointed to the position of 2nd Constable at last week's meeting. However, the board did not determine Josh's rate of pay. Bob motioned to pay Josh the same rate as what Ted Cantwell, the 1st Constable, is paid. Randy seconded. All board members voted in favor.
Judy expressed concern about the accessibility of the 1st Constable. Judy would like the board to be notified if the Constable is out of town or unavailable. The board would like Ted and Josh to meet with the board.

Erin will contact the Franklin County Humane Society to find out if there is a contract in place between the Humane Society and the Town.

D. Bill motioned to appoint Claude Rainville, Jean Guy Rainville, and Bob Horr to the position of Fence Viewer. Randy seconded. All board members voted in favor.

E. The board reviewed a letter from John Workman regarding trash removal on Old Academy Street. Bob has spoken with Gabe Handy, the developer of the units on Old Academy Street. Gabe indicated that he would sign a waiver of liability to allow All-Cycle to travel on Old Academy Street, a private road, to provide curbside service for the residents. Bob will inform Gabe that he can communicate exclusively with All-Cycle, as it is a private road; the Town does not become involved in matters involving private roads.

F. Bill informed the board that Katrina will forward a copy of the minutes from the Recreation Department meeting.

G. Shaun Coleman of Northwest Regional Planning Commission will forward a copy of the Hazard Mitigation Plan to the board; once we have received this, a public hearing will be warned and held before the plan is adopted. A valid plan needs to be in place in order to pursue FEMA grants and be eligible to pursue federal funds for hazard buy-outs.

5. Public Input

A. Andrew Parent, the newly elected Town Moderator, attended tonight's meeting. Bob clarified that the obligation of the Town Moderator is to preside over Town Meeting and any special meeting.

6. Executive Session

A. Judy asked Bob if he will be recusing himself when the board goes into Executive Session to discuss legal matters between the Town and Gabe Handy, as Bob has been employed by Gabe. Bob indicated he would like to go into Executive Session to discuss his involvement with Gabe. Bill motioned to enter Executive Session to discuss Bob's role as a board member and the Handy lawsuit. Randy seconded. The board entered Executive Session at 8:45PM.

B. Randy motioned to return to public session at 9:05PM. Bill seconded. All board members voted in favor. The board returned to public session at 9:05PM.

7. Adjournment

Judy motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:24PM. Randy seconded. All board members voted in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 9:24PM.

Erin McSweeney, Administrative Assistant to the Selectboard

The above minutes are unapproved , subject to amendment.

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