By clicking on any one of the following links you can search the listings of each cemetery in the Town of Fairfax, Vermont for ancestors or relatives. The listings are by cemetery in alphabetical order of the surname. All married females are listed by their maiden name if known, otherwise they will fall under the name UNKNOWN with their married name (names) following in small letters.

In order to search for a name in the listing, use the Edit on your browser, click on find and type in the name you are looking for in capital letters using match case. Sanderson Cemetery is a large cemetery (1794 individuals) so it takes a while to load. The others are somewhat smaller.

I am very grateful to Teresa Gross and her grand daughter Erin Gross and Donna Meunier for the many hours they spent gathering this information which was done in the summer of 1996.

Give it a try and send me back a note at vtgrandpa@yahoo.com with your comments or suggestions.

Beaver Cemetery

Bowditch Cemetery

Carroll Hill Cemetery

Kezer Cemetery

Kingsbury/Hibbard Cemetery

Learned Cemetery

Mudgett Cemetery

North Fairfax/Beeman Cemetery

Fairfax Plains Cemetery

St. Luke's Cemetery

Safford Cemetery

Sanderson Corners Cemetery

Spafford Cemetery

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