St. Luke's Confirmation Class 2008 Participates In

St. Luke Catholic Church's confirmation classes today sponsored the "Souper" Bowl of Caring, a national drive by teens to collect money and food for local charitable organizations and food shelves. Students collected food and money donations after all masses this weekend. Food donations will be donated to the Fairfax Food Shelf, and funds collected will be used for the St. Luke Parish Care and Share Fund to benefit community members needing help.

Shown below are some of the youths holding soup pots at church doors on Souper Bowl Sunday, February 3, 2008 after the 11 a.m. Mass. There were other youths at Saturday’s 4:30 Mass as well as some at the 8:30 a.m. Mass. They joined young people in churches across the country to collect money for those who are hungry and hurting. In 2007, over 14,500 groups participated in the Souper Bowl of Caring generating over $8 million. None of the money is sent to Souper Bowl headquarters. Organizers only ask that each participant report their collection so national totals can be determined and announced. Since the Souper Bowl of Caring began in 1990, more than $41 million has gone to help people in need.

Red Headed Zach Machia is on the left and Alyshia Jones on the right hold "Souper Bowls" for donations.

James Minor is at the back entrance of the Church

People were slow coming out at there was the Blessing of Throats as well as a Welcome Home for Father Rome who had just returned from a trip to Nigeria.

Henry A. Raymond
February 3, 2008