FAIRFAX DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD             Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Christopher and Stephanie Lynch Final Plat Hearing for a 3-Lot Subdivision at 231 Buck Hollow Rd.


Members Present: B. Murphy, M. Casey, C. Rainville

Alternates Present: P. Rainville

Applicant Present: Christopher Lynch

Public Present: Giles Boissonneault, Carol Vallett, S. Taylor, ZA, J. Heyer


7:00 PM- B. Murphy called the meeting to order.  The notice was read, introductions made, and Interested Persons sworn in.


Christopher Lynch presented the survey to the Board.  He explained the location of the mound systems for Lots 1 and 2, and road access for same.  The CVPS power lines will not be moved, leaving any decision to future lot owners.  Wetland and waste-water permit applications have been submitted.


B. Murphy asked if there were any plans for future development.  Mr. Lynch: not at this time but not sure of future.  Any future access would be off Ledge Rd.  Are there covenants for the shared driveways?  S. Taylor: these can be included in the deeds.


There was discussion regarding Lot 3’s driveway location.  M. Casey asked about the slope on the driveway (less than 10%).


C. Rainvilleasked about access to septic systems and density calculations.


Additional discussion centered on the well on Lot 3 near the northwest corner of the Luman lot.  Mr. Lynch stated that by water agreement (already recorded) the well can no longer be used as a source of potable water by the Lumans’.  The definition of the word “abandoned” was also discussed.


Open to Public Input

G. Boissonneault asked about the VAST trail.  Mr. Lynch: Plan is to continue access but may change location.


C. Vallett asked about the size of Lots 1 and 2. Lot 1- 2.21 acres; Lot 2- 2.09 acres.


7:23 PM- M. Casey moved to close the public hearing and move to deliberative; C. Rainville 2nd.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Varney, Zoning and Planning Assistant


Approved: ________________________________________ Date: __________________, 2011

                       For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.