FAIRFAX PLANNING COMMISSION                                     Tuesday, November 1, 2011



Members Present: G. Heyer, R. Wimble, M. Hunziker

Public Present: None


7:05 PM- G. Heyer called the meeting to order.


M. Hunziker moved to accept the minutes from the October 4 , 2011 meeting; R. Wimble 2nd.  All in favor.


There was discussion on the schedule for completing the New Town Plan, to be adopted by September 22, 2012.


The Municipal Planning Grant was submitted on October 27, 2011.  The Town will be notified by mid-December if we are awarded one.  The PC discussed what will happen to the Village Vision section of the Town Plan if we are not awarded the grant.  It was agreed that the Village Vision is a good idea but the PC is not sure if it is up to the task without help from the NWRPC.  It appears that the current Town Plan format would not be difficult to update if a new Village Vision section is not included.


The next meeting of the Planning Commission will be in January 3, 2011 (after the grant decisions are made).


There was a short discussion on the possibility of expanding the Growth Center.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Varney, Zoning and Planning Assistant



Approved: ______________________________  Date: _________________, 2012

            For the Planning Commission



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.