Planning Commission Minutes                     October 7, 2008



PC MEMBERS PRESENT: G. Heyer, A. Lemieux, R. Wimble, D. Brown

Public Present: S. Taylor, Z.A; B. Murphy, S. Jones, J. Beers, J. Heyer, C. Rainville, C. Streets


7:30 PM   G. Heyer called the meeting to order. The minutes from September 16, 2008 were reviewed. 

R. Wimble made a motion to accept the Minutes from September 16, 2008.  D. Brown second.  G. Heyer, R. Wimble and D. Brown in favor.  Members from the Development Review Board joined the Planning Commission.  S. Jones made a presentation on the Village Center Designation.  S. Jones represented the Town of Fairfax and submitted the application for the Designation to the State of Vermont. The Town of Fairfax now has the official Village Center Designation which allows for tax credits for the business center of the community, including the rehabilitation of certified historic buildings, and for various tax credits for income producing businesses and municipal buildings within the Village Center. This designation will need to be applied for every three years.  


G. Heyer talked about applying for a Municipal Planning Grant Application to revise the Zoning Bylaws and Subdivision Regulations. C. Streets mentioned that restructuring the format of the document would be most helpful.  The goal is to make it more user friendly. Various other issues concerning the Bylaws and Zoning Regulations were discussed:

            a) Road and Driveway standards – 24 foot wide roads do not fit into the character of the community.

                The wider roads were requested by the Fire Department for the safety of residents. The wide roads

                give a sense of safety, and cars drive faster.  Any change requests would require good rational and

                good design, and would need to be put in writing to the fire chief and to the Selectboard.

            b) Road maintenance in winter.

            c)  Road frontage.  The Bylaws need to clarify the intention of the 200 foot frontage requirements,

                 especially for the ROW alternative for new lots.

            d)  Road Certification by an Engineer chosen by the Town of Fairfax at the Developer’s expense. Many

                 new roads are not built to the required standards even when the Engineer signs off on the road.

            e)  Wet lands delineation early in the process of development.

            f)  PUDs – the ˝ acre per lot requirement restricts creativity of design. If the lot could be the footprint of

                the home,  there would be more open space.

            g)  Reduction of the Setback requirements for structures less than 100 feet.

            h)  Mylars and the effect on taxes.

The Development Review Board shared suggestions for the job description for the Zoning Administrator.  G. Heyer mentioned that the Zoning Administrator, S. Taylor is a valuable asset and a great help for the Planning Commission.  J. Heyer stated that S. Taylor is a valuable resource for obtaining information from VLCT and NRPC.   The Planning Commission thanked the members of the Development Review Board for their time and input.  The PC then discussed adding specific standards to protect resources such as scenic vistas, to allow the DRB to make sound decisions and to justify them.  An upcoming forum was discussed. The next meeting will be on October 21, 2008. 


8:45 PM  D. Brown made a motion to adjourn. A. Lemieux second.  All in favor.   


Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant


Approved_____________________________________ Date______________, 2008



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.