Planning Commission Minutes                             September 4, 2007               



PC MEMBERS PRESENT: G. Heyer, M. Hunziker, A. Lemieux




7:30 PM  G. Heyer called the meeting to order.  The minutes from August 21, 2007 and August 28, 2007 were reviewed.  A. Lemieux made a motion to accept the minutes from August 21, 2007.  M. Hunziker second.  All in favor.  A. Lemieux made a motion to accept the minutes from August 28, 2007.  M. Hunziker second.  All in favor. 


The survey requesting public input for the upcoming Town Plan was discussed.  M. Hunziker created a survey of questions taken from Board members, Zoning Administrator and three other towns.  Each question was evaluated and some were removed or changed. A copy of the revised survey will be sent to G. Brunswick of Northwest Regional Planning Commission.  She said she can format the Survey for printing. G. Brunswick is scheduled to visit the Board on September 11, 2007 to discuss the final draft of the Grant Application.


Various stores in Town will be asked to display a collection box for the Surveys the first two weeks in November.  The surveys will be due on November 15, and also may be returned in the same envelope as their tax bill. 


9:20 PM  M. Hunziker made a motion to adjourn.  A. Lemieux second.  All in favor.



Next meeting will be on September 11, 2007 with Greta Brunswick.




Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant




Approved_____________________________________ Date______________, 2007
