Planning Commission Minutes                     August 24, 2009



PC MEMBERS PRESENT: G. Heyer, M Hunziker, D. Brown, A. Lemieux



7:00 PM   G. Heyer called the meeting to order.  The Minutes from July 21, 2009 were reviewed A. Lemieux made a motion to accept the Minutes from July 21, 2009. M. Hunziker second.  All in favor. 


G. Brunswick handed out updates for various sections of the Bylaws for parts of Articles 1, 2 and 3.  She also included

Discussion sheets regarding allowed uses with definitions.  Zoning Districts and the allowed uses were discussed in detail.

G. Brunswick may change the suggested retail uses for various Districts for the Board’s review.  Many topics such as:

Flood hazard areas, light industry, office buildings, storage facilities, road access and frontage were discussed. 


Small structures of less than 100 square feet, was brought up.  These may be exempt from the setback requirements, but issues such as restricting road vision at corners and curbs made the Board realize that more thought will be needed before any final decisions will be made.  This category would also include small structures to hold trash for pick-up.  Handicap ramps, were also mentioned in regard to setback requirements.  Both Greta and the Board will re-visit these issues. 


G. Brunswick hopes to have suggestions to revise the sections regarding PUDs and Subdivisions for the next meeting to be held on September 15, 2009 at 7:00 PM.


9:00 PM  D. Brown made a motion to adjourn.  A. Lemieux second.  All in favor.





Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant



Approved_____________________________________ Date______________, 2009



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.