FAIRFAX PLANNING COMMISSION                              Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Members Present: R. Wimble, D. Brown, M. Hunziker

Public Present: Katrina Antonovich, Recreation Director; Lisa Derocher


7:05 PM- R. Wimble called the meeting to order.


M. Hunziker moved to approve the minutes from the July 24, 2012 meeting; D. Brown 2nd.  All in favor.


There was a brief discussion regarding a memorandum from the State Dept. of Economic, Housing and Community Development.  An ‘Economic Development’ element is now required by the State to be included in all Municipal Plans [included as part of Chapter 8 in current Plan].


Lisa Derocher brought in proposed language for the Town Plan update for the Board to review.   She included it in two formats – a separate chapter titled the “Healthy Community Action Plan,”or language imbedded as “Goals and Policies” throughout the existing Town Plan format.  Lisa asked the Board to review the document for discussion at a later date.


There was discussion regarding school food programs, community food initiatives, reasons for poor food choice, and food audits.  Discussion also included school facilities, other recreational opportunities, land use, and land trusts.  Katrina updated the Board on the status of the 100-acre woods (re: upcoming grant proposals and the development of trails).


The next meeting of the Planning Commission will be September 18, 2012 at 7PM.


8:15 PM- M. Hunziker moved to adjourn; D. Brown 2nd.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Varney, Planning and Zoning Assistant


Signed: ________________________________ Date: ______________________

                    For the Planning Commission


These minutes are unofficial until the next regularly scheduled meeting.