Planning Commission Meeting                       August 15, 2006         



PC MEMBERS PRESENT: G. Heyer, M. Hunziker, A. Lemieux, P. Hudson




The meeting was called to order by G. Heyer at 7:30PM. The minutes from August 1, 2006 were reviewed.  M. Hunziker made a motion to accept the minutes from August 1, 2006. A. Lemieux second. All in favor.


M. Hunziker will review the e-mail from Bill Rose at NRPCVT regarding parking requirements. The suggestions from the Select Board were again discussed, and some changes were made.  Some items will need to be addressed with the Selectboard. 


The new Municipal Planning Grant to receive technical assistance for the next Town Plan, was again discussed.  G. Heyer will complete the application and administer the Grant if it is awarded to the Town.


9:15 PM A. Lemieux made a motion to adjourn.  P. Hudson second.  All in favor.


Next meeting will be a workshop on August 22, 2006.




Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Planning and Zoning Assistant




Approved_____________________________________ Date______________, 2006
