FAIRFAX PLANNING COMMISSION                                        Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Members Present: G. Heyer, R. Wimble, D. Brown, M. Hunziker

Public Present: Skip Taylor, ZA; Katrina Antonovich, Recreation Director; Lisa Derocher


7:10PM- G. Heyer called the meeting to order.


There was discussion among the members regarding building in the flood plain.


D. Brown moved to accept the minutes from the June 19, 2012 Planning Commission meeting; M. Hunziker 2nd.  All in favor.


‘Fit and Healthy ‘ Language for the 2013 Town Plan

Katrina Antonovich, the Fairfax Recreation Director, explained to the Board the grant the Recreation Dept. received through the Vermont Department of Health to add ‘Fit and Healthy’ language to the TownPlan.  She explained that in future grant applications for Fit and Healthy Communities, having pertinent language already in the Plan increases the chance of success.  Katrina introduced Lisa Derocher to the Board, who will be writing the Fit and Healthy copy for the Report.  There was discussion with the Board on whether they want the language to be ‘imbedded’ throughout the Plan or it there is a preference for a separate chapter. There was general consensus whether a separate chapter or sub-sectionswould be better.  Lisa suggested she could include an appendix at the end of the document referencing language throughout the plan.  Katrina offered to have an outline and sample language for the Board to review at their next meeting.The Board will have Northwest Regional Planning forward a copy of the 2008 Town Plan to Katrina and Lisa.


There was discussion among the Board regarding photos for the new Town Plan.  There was additional discussion about the Town Office, and the best ways to notify the community members using “1 call”.


The Board had planned to review Chapter 13 from the 2008 Town Plan but agreed to wait until the rest of the Town Plan copy is complete.  The Board decided against using a survey as had been used before the 2008 Plan.  Additional discussion included the responsibilities of NRPC in the revision process, and contacting bordering towns for copies of their town plans.


8:30PM- D. Brown moved to adjourn; R. Wimble 2nd.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Varney, Planning and Zoning Assistant


Approved: _________________________________ Date: _______________

                        For the Planning Commission


These minutes are unofficial until the next regularly scheduled meeting.