Planning Commission Minutes                     July 15, 2008             




PC MEMBERS PRESENT: G. Heyer, A. Lemieux, M. Hunziker, D. Brown

PUBLIC PRESENT: S. Taylor, ZA; G. Brunswick, NRPC; B. Murphy; J. Cleary;

R. Devine; B. Young; R. Lalancette; L. Corey; K. Hebert; D. Bellows; G. Gilbert;

K. Antonovich; N. Garland; C. Santee


7:00 PM  The Planning Commission hosted the first Public Hearing for the revision to the Town Plan. Greg Heyer, Chairman of the Planning Commission introduced Greta Brunswick from Northwest Regional Planning.

G. Brunswick did a presentation of the Plan Overview.  The proposed Land Use Map was discussed.  The following members from the public commented on the proposed revision: 

            B. Murphy - Various typographical errors

            D. Bellows - Growth Center and Mixed Use Districts

            G. Gilbert - Legislative Issues and Impact Fees

            B. Young - Trees

            R. Lalancette - Update Transportation Map

            L. Courey –


M. Hunziker made a motion to authorize G. Brunswick to make changes based on the written and oral comments submitted, and submit the new draft to the Selectboard.  D. Brown second.  All in favor. 


8:00 PM  A. Lemieux made a motion to adjourn.  M.  Hunziker second.  All in favor. 




Respectfully Submitted,

S.  Taylor,   Zoning Administrator




Approved_____________________________________ Date______________, 2008
