Planning Commission Minutes                     Tuesday, June 29,  2010


Room  217A, BFA Fairfax.

PC MEMBERS PRESENT: G. Heyer, M. Hunziker, A. Lemieux, D. Brown, R. Wimble

PUBLIC PRESENT: S. Taylor, ZA; G. Brunswick, NRPC; B. Horr; J. Heyer; M. Varney


7:00 PM     A Joint meeting with the Town Boards was held.  G. Brunswick, NRPC made the presentation to introduce a draft of the new Fairfax Development Regulations.  She gave the attending Board Members a Summary of Substantive Revisions.  She explained each section that has proposed changes, and the reasons for the changes. There was discussion on many of the sections including Zoning Districts, Performance Requirements and Water Quality Protection.


B. Horr, Selectboard Chair, brought up many questions about the items discussed during the meeting:

                1.  Flood Hazard Overlay

                2.  Setbacks from wells

                3.  Frontage width to accommodate a ROW for a future road.

                4.  Enforcement issues for road certification if a road is built in phases. 

                5.  Storm water Management – Concerned about the impact developments have on drainage, water retention, ditches, roads,

                   streams, etc.  Storm water is a major concern for the town and for property owners.  The Town needs to know the right

                   resources to prevent damage to the roads, culverts, and streams.  The Town does not want to loose State Aid money, but

                   wants to develop useful regulations.  (G. Brunswick suggested that he contact Deb Perry at Northwest Regions Planning

                   for suggestions).


J. Heyer, Development Review Board (DRB) Chair, and M. Varney, DRB member, made various comments throughout the meeting.


The following areas were questioned and may need further discussion by the Planning Commission.

                1.  Figure 1.1 “How to get a Zoning Permit”, needs to reference where to appeal.

                2.  Need to clarify PUD density when a property is located in more than one district.

                3.  Frontage requirements – no frontage requirements proposed, but need to discuss the possibility of requiring 60 feet of

                   frontage to accommodate future road access.

                4.  Detailed Noise Standards that could be enforced. 

                5.  Road Standards and updated Ordinances.

                6.  Storm water issues and when a Management Plan would be required.


All Board members and Listers will receive a draft copy of the new regulations.  The Planning Commission would like to have written comments and suggestions received by August 5, 2010.


A. Lemieux made a motion to accept the minutes from June 8, 2010.  R. Wimble second.  All in favor.

8:55PM  D. Brown made a motion to adjourn.  A. Lemieux second.  All in favor.


The next meeting will be August 10, 2010 at 7PM in the Town Office.


Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant



Approved_____________________________________ Date______________, 2010



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.