Planning Commission Minutes                     June 16, 2009



PC MEMBERS PRESENT: G. Heyer, M Hunziker, D. Brown, R. Wimble

PUBLIC PRESENT: S. Taylor, ZA, G. Brunswick, NRPC


7:05 PM   G. Heyer called the meeting to order.  The Minutes from June 2, 2009 were reviewed.  M. Hunziker made a motion to accept the Minutes from June 2, 2009. D. Brown second.  All in favor.  There was discussion on extending the growth center to incorporate more of the existing sewer and water lines. G. Brunswick mentioned that sidewalks and services are important factors of a growth center. 


G. Brunswick handed out a copy of the presentation for the public forum.  She will also bring in large maps to show the Districts today and the proposed new Districts, both with the same color scheme. She will focus on two options for managing growth:  Planned Unit Developments or Maximum Density. She gave handouts summarizing both options.   With both options, clustering and design standards are very important. She also highly recommended that the Town keep updated parcel maps (either by hiring a company to do this function, or have the updated computer software to generate the maps). An updated data base would be an important tool for administration. There was detailed discussion on both options. 


Items needed for the Forum:

            1.  At Multi Purpose Room, BFA, 50 chairs set up in front, 2 tables in front, 6 round tables and chairs in back.

            2.  Cookies and beverages provided by G. Brunswick.

            3.  Tape recorder.

            4.  Person at door to let people in.

            5.  Signs at school for directions to Multi Purpose Room.


9:05 PM  M. Hunziker made a motion to adjourn.  R. Wimble second.  All in favor.



The next meeting will be the Public Forum on June 23, 2009 at 7:00 PM.



Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant



Approved_____________________________________ Date______________, 2009



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.