Planning Commission Minutes                     Tuesday, June 8,  2010



PC MEMBERS PRESENT: G. Heyer, M. Hunziker, A. Lemieux, D. Brown, R. Wimble

PUBLIC PRESENT: S. Taylor, ZA; G. Brunswick, NRPC


7:00 PM     D. Brown made a motion to accept the minutes from June 1, 2010.  A. Lemieux second. All in favor.


G. Brunswick led the discussion regarding presenting the changes in the Regulations to the various Boards, by focusing on the updated Issues and Opportunity Chart.  The summary of changes will focus on major changes to the regulations.  Many sections have been changed to codify current practice. The majority of the document has been changed for organizational clarity. 


The following areas were discussed:

      Zoning Permits(section more specific); Telecommunications (current standards); Use Chart; Dimensional

     Standards; Frontage (requirements changed); Density; Map re-districting; Certificate of Occupancy; Waste

     Water; Planned Unit Developments (major changes); Variances; Plat Specifications (clarified); Energy

     Design Standards (new language); Boundary Surveys (requirements changed –full survey not required for

     properties greater than 10 acres that wish to subdivide less than 50% of the property); Display of 911

     addresses; Boundary Line adjustments; Water Quality Protection; Wind Towers and Cell Towers; Parking;

     Performance Standards: Non-Conforming Structures; Steep Slopes; Adaptive Use of Historic Structures;

     Road Standards; Storm water; Landscaping; Wetlands, Springs, and Swales; and Definitions.


S. Taylor recommended that all tables and figures have similar reference numbers as the Section they are a part of.  Discussion centered on the meeting on June 29th.  G. Heyer will give an introduction focusing on the reasons for the changes.


8:30 PM  M. Hunziker made a motion to adjourn.  D. Brown second.  All in favor.


The next meeting will be June 29, 2010 at 7PM in room 217A at the school. 



Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant




Approved_____________________________________ Date______________, 2010



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.