Planning Commission                       May 15, 2007         



PC MEMBERS PRESENT: G. Heyer, A. Lemieux, M. Hunziker, R. Wimble

PUBLIC PRESENT:  S. Taylor, Zoning Administrator


7:30 PM  G. Heyer called the meeting to order. The definition of PUD was discussed, specifically regarding use of the words “a subdivision project”. The definition as presented at the Public Hearing will not be changed.  A supplemental report of changes recommended will be given to the Selectboard for review and changes.  Once they schedule their Public Hearing, copies of the proposed amended Bylaws and Subdivision Regulations including Appendices,  will be available for the public. A. Lemiuex made a motion to accept the Public Draft #1, Revision 2007, as amended in the “Supplemental Report of Changes Recommended” (as a result of the April 24, 2007 Public Hearing),  for adoption by the Selectboard.  R. Wimble second.  All in favor.  A new zoning map will be received from NWRPC for review.  M. Hunziker made a motion to recommend the Selectboard adopt the new Zoning Map as the Official Fairfax Zoning Map.  S. Taylor was asked to review the Zoning Map for accuracy, before passing it along to the Selectboard. A. Lemieux second.  All in favor.


A. Lemieux made a motion to accept the Minutes from May 1, 2007. M. Hunziker second.  All in favor.   S. Taylor talked to the Board regarding a survey from the Town of Westford regarding a DRB type of Government.  M. Hunziker

talked about the Village Centers Designation program through the NWRPC. He would like to work with the Selectboard on this project to help determine what the Town needs to do. 


The Town Plan was discussed.  Community input and meetings will be needed.  Topics discussed included: surveys; cost of postage; public meetings; statistics; schools; re-drawing zoning districts; Growth Center sewer and water constraints; boundaries; and non-residential development in town.  Next week Surveys will be discussed.  C. Raymond will e-mail a copy of surveys from three other towns to members with e-mail.  A time-line for major deadlines will be discussed.   


8:30 PM  A. Lemieux made a motion to adjourn.  R. Wimble second.  All in favor. 


The next meeting will be on June 5, 2007 at 7:30 PM.





Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant



Approved_____________________________________ Date______________, 2007
