Planning Commission                       May 9, 2006         





PC MEMBERS PRESENT:  G. Heyer, M. Hunziker, A. Lemieux, R. Wimble, P. Hudson

Public Present:  S. Taylor, ZA


The meeting was called to order by G. Heyer at 7:30PM.


Discussion centered on the second draft of the Bylaw Revisions.  Copies will be made for the Selectboard and for the DRB.  It was requested that each Board submit one set of written comments for the Planning Commission to discuss.  Members of the Selectboard will attend the Planning Commission meeting on June 6, to discuss the changes to Appendix D, Subdivision Regulations Concerning Construction of New Roads, and to submit their input for the Bylaw changes.


Discussion continued on the Bylaw changes and on ways the Bylaws could help the other Boards.  The first draft was completed and all the changes will be made.  S. Taylor will find out more information on how much detail will need to be included in the cover letter that will accompany the final draft that will be presented to the public at a future warned hearing.


On May, 16, 2006 at 8PM Bill Rose from NRPC will come to the Planning Commission meeting to discuss Access Management. Before the meeting he will be sent a copy of the proposed wording for Access Management.   


The next meeting will be Tuesday evening May 16, 2006.



Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Planning and Zoning Assistant




Approved_____________________________________ Date______________, 2006
