Planning Commission Minutes                     April 7, 2009



PC MEMBERS PRESENT: G. Heyer, M Hunziker, R. Wimble, A. Lemieux

PUBLIC PRESENT: S. Taylor, ZA; G. Brunswick (NRPC)


7:00 PM   G. Heyer called the meeting to order. The minutes from March 17, 2009 were reviewed. 

M. Hunziker made a motion to accept the Minutes from March 17, 2009.  A. Lemieux second.  All in favor.


M Hunziker asked if anyone attended the Capital Budget training.  S. Taylor did attend and mentioned that there was a huge amount of information given.  It will be a 6-9 month project and will need a person to head up the project. The last capital budget was done in 2002.


A list of the current Town Ordinances was given to the Board.  S. Taylor mentioned the plan regarding Solid Waste

Implementation (SWIP) will be finished soon. A copy of the Hazard Mitigation Policy is in the Zoning Office.  G. Brunswick mentioned she would like to see a copy of all Ordinances or Policies regarding Roads.  S. Taylor offered to put a package together for her. Various ordinances were discussed.    Having consistent 911 addresses visible from the street on each home was also discussed. 


G. Brunswick gave a hand-out to each member with 4 pages:

            1.  Zoning District Dimensional Standards

            2.  Zoning District Stats

            3.  Food for Thought – Purpose of Frontage

            4.  Frontage Controlling Regular Shaped Lots

There was detailed discussion on the dimensional standards for each district, including minimum lot sizes and maximum

density. The public hearings will be very helpful to determine lot sizes. Various related issues were discussed such as Planned Unit Developments (PUD); sewer and water issues; and heights of buildings.  S. Taylor will check with the Fire Department for their recommendation for building heights in relationship to the height of their ladders and fire equipment.


Next meeting (April 21, 2009 at 7:00 PM) the following topics will be discussed:

            * Clear standards for the maximum density issue, including PUD’s

            * Road frontage issue

            * Bowling alley lots and minimum width of lots

            * Plans for upcoming public forums.


9:15 PM  M. Hunziker made a  motion to adjourn.  A. Lemieux second.  All in favor. 



Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant




Approved_____________________________________ Date______________, 2009



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.