Planning Commission Minutes                     March 3, 2009



PC MEMBERS PRESENT: G. Heyer, M Hunziker, D. Brown, A. Lemieux

PUBLIC PRESENT: S. Taylor, ZA; N. Heyer


7:00 PM   G. Heyer called the meeting to order. The minutes from February 17, 2009 were reviewed. 

M. Hunziker made a motion to accept the Minutes from February 17, 2009.  D. Brown second.  G. Heyer, M. Hunziker and D. Brown in favor. The Board appreciated the large “Proposed Land Use Map” sent by G. Brunswick, NRPC.  Each District will be discussed in detail. 


Growth Center District:  New configuration similar to before.  The North Fairfax Growth Center will be removed.  The Shoreland District will also be removed. 


Mixed Use District: New configuration is a little smaller than before.  G. Heyer expressed concern over the intersection of Rte. 104 and Rte 128.  District setbacks will need to be determined with that and other dangerous intersections in mind. 

Recommendation:  Even out the District line on the west side to the corner of McNall Road.


Low Density Residential:  A newly drawn District.  Should have smaller lot sizes due to good soils and encourage Planned Unit Developments (PUDs).  G. Heyer suggested that PUDs  might be required for developments over a determined number of acres or lots.  He also suggested that large land owners be invited to a meeting to discuss the preservation of open spaces and future requirements in the Bylaws.  Possible smaller lot sizes in the Low Density Residential District were discussed.  I ˝ acre lots would be in character with the low density purpose of the district, without allowing the current 2 acre lots to split into two lots.  The Board would like input from G. Brunswick with examples from other towns.  They would also like input from G. Brunswick regarding the boundaries of the newly drawn district.  The Board would consider expanding the boundary just north and west of the Growth Center.


8:30 PM  M. Hunziker made a motion to adjourn.  D. Brown second.  All in favor. 



Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant



Approved_____________________________________ Date______________, 2009



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.