Planning Commission Minutes                      February 19, 2008


Fairfax Town Office

PC MEMBERS PRESENT: G. Heyer, A. Lemieux, M Hunziker, R Wimble

PUBLIC PRESENT: S. Taylor - Z.A., G. Brunswick – NRPC


7:30 PM G. Heyer called the meeting to order.  The Minutes from February 5, 2008 were reviewed.  A. Lemieux motioned to approve the minutes.  M. Hunziker seconded the motion.  All in favor.


Officers were elected as follows:


   Chair:  G. Heyer nominated by M. Hunziker. A. Lemieux second.  No further nominations.

               All in favor.

   Vice Chair:  R Wimble nominated by A. Lemieux. M. Hunziker second.  No further

               nominations.  All in favor

   Clerk: M. Hunziker nominated by R. Wimble.  A Lemieux second.  No further nominations.

               All in favor.


G. Brunswick gave report on the Bylaw update.  She is making good progress but needs more time to finish.  She complimented the Board for its efforts.   It was agreed that the Selectboard should not be contacted about the Transportation Section until after Town Meeting.  Greta needs information on BFA enrollment from 04-05; parcels by land use from 03, 04, and 05; and current percentage of appraised value (we think this is called CLA, and would come from the Listers).


The remainder of the discussion focused on the land use map and the Zoning Districts.  G. Brunswick’s  computer was locked and she was unable to display the mapping data.  Discussion about the map continued. There was agreement that the Shoreland District could be eliminated (from the Town Plan), since it is now the subject of a new ordinance.


Discussion centered on whether to consolidate the Low Density, Ag/Forest and Conservation Districts on the Proposed Land Use Map, and whether there are special areas in Fairfax which should retain special designation or protection.  There was discussion about minimum lot size, different density requirements for different size subdivisions, and requiring PUDs with open land for certain size subdivisions.  It was agreed that a road trip around the town might be helpful and so it was planned for Saturday, February 23, 2008, starting at the Town Office at 12:30 PM.


G. Brunswick will return to the next regular PC meeting on March 4, 2008 to present the mapping information, and on March 18, 2008 to begin the review of the new Town Plan draft, which hopefully will be completed and distributed prior to the March 18th meeting.


Road Trip February 23, 2008 starting from the Town Office at 12:30 PM

The next regular meeting will be on March 4, 2008 at 7:30 PM


Respectfully Submitted by Skip Taylor, Zoning Administrator



Approved_________________________________ Date______________, 2008
