Planning Commission Minutes                        February 3, 2009



PC MEMBERS PRESENT: G. Heyer, A. Lemieux, M. Hunziker, D. Brown, R. Wimble

PUBLIC PRESENT: S. Taylor – ZA, G. Brunswick – NRPC, N. Fishman – NRPC


7:00 PM  G. Heyer called the meeting to order.  The minutes from January 20, 2009 were reviewed.

A. Lemieux motioned to accept the minutes from January 20, 2006.  D. Brown second.

All in favor.


S. Taylor informed the Commission that the Planning Grant had been approved and was fully funded.


G. Brunswick presented two copies of a Grant work agreement between Fairfax and NRPC, to be signed by both parties. G Heyer signed for the Planning Commission.


G. Brunswick passed out an outline of the Grant project and the order of activities was discussed.

It was agreed that the new Table of Contents, reflecting a new organization of the regulations would be the first priority.  A draft Table of Contents was discussed.  There was then a discussion of the overall timeframe of the project, which could stretch over 15 months to May 2010.


The group then identified and discussed major issues, including:

            1.  new land use map and districts

            2.  PUD’s

            3.  private road certification

            4.  lot access, frontage and setbacks

            5. boarding house definition

            6. road specifications

            7. change of use

            8. surveys of large subdivisions


G. Brunswick agreed to draft the reorganized Table of Contents and outline the Issues and Actions Report listed as Task 1 on the Grant Scope of Work.  She will Email the drafted Issues and Actions Report to the members (mail to Greg) for their meeting on February 17th and will plan to attend the Planning Commission Meeting on March 17th.


For the February 17th meeting the Planning Commission will begin to discuss the new land use map, district boundaries and uses and related issues.  S. Taylor will review the list of proposed changes to identify any that relate to the land use map and district boundaries and uses.


8:20 PM     M. Hunziker motioned to adjourn, A. Lemieux second. All in favor


Respectfully submitted by Skip Taylor – Zoning Administrator  



Approved _________________________________ Date _________________, 2009

                           for the Planning Commission 


These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meetinig.