Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Fairfax Town Office


PC Members Present: G. Heyer, D. Brown, M. Hunziker, R. Wimble

Also Present: Skip Taylor, ZA


7:04 PM – Meeting called to order by G. Heyer.  D. Brown moved to accept the minutes from the January 4, 2011 PC meeting; M. Hunziker 2nd.  All approved.


There was discussion regarding the Selectboard Hearing on Monday, January 30, 2011 about the new Development Regulations.  The PC was disappointed by the low turnout but had positive feelings about the process of working with the Selectboard in rewriting the Development Regulations.


New Officers for the PC for 2011 were elected:

M. Hunziker moved to nominate the following officers; D. Brown 2nd.  All in favor.

            -Chairman: G. Heyer

            -Vice-Chairman: R. Wimble

            -Clerk: D. Brown


Road and Driveway Standards: There was discussion on consolidating all the road and driveway standards into one document.  Skip offered to do the legwork and suggested that he could eliminate the duplication of documents then reorganize them before presenting them to the PC.  M. Hunziker asked if the PC needed to ask the Selectboard if the PC can do this, and what the document would be known as.  He wanted the Selectboard to know that it is not the PC’s intention to change anything but only to consolidate. Skip will check with the Selectboard on this and to make sure that he has all the associated documents before starting.


Town Plan:  The next Town Plan is due in September of 2013.  M. Hunziker asked when the PC should begin working on it.   The last Plan took approximately a year and a half to complete.


Capital Plan:  Last done in 2002, the Capital Plan should be revised every 5 years.  Skip explained that the Plan currently funds special projects for the schools, highways, and recreation in Fairfax through impact fees charged by the town for any new construction.   The next Capital Budget may add the fire department to the Plan.  The Selectboard may select a consultant to create this plan and the Planning Commission may be asked to assist.


The Board revisited the discussion on the low turnout at the Selectboard Hearing on the new Development Regulations and how to improve public notification -- perhaps repeating the announcement on Henry Raymond’s website more than once up to and including the day of the meeting; signage; additional locations to post public warnings.


Skip explained there may be an opportunity to apply for a Planning Grant that could be applied to the new Town Plan.  M. Hunziker moved the discussion to be moved to the March meeting.  D. Brown 2nd; all approved.


Discussion regarding a thank you gift for Greta Brunswick of NRPC from the Fairfax PC for all her hard work on the new Development Regulations.  Gift Certificate for a restaurant?


Next meeting is Tuesday, March 1st at 7PM.


7:55 PM: M. Hunziker moved to adjourn; D. Brown 2nd.  All approved.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Varney, Planning and Zoning Assistant



Approved_____________________________, Date________________, 2011

                     For the Planning Commission



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.