Planning Commission Minutes                     January 19, 2010



PC MEMBERS PRESENT: G. Heyer, M Hunziker, A. Lemieux, D. Brown, R. Wimble

PUBLIC PRESENT: S. Taylor, G. Brunswick, NRPC


7:05 PM   G. Heyer called the meeting to order. The minutes from November 24, 2009 were reviewed. 

M. Hunziker made a motion to accept the minutes from November 24, 2009.  A. Lemieux second.  All in favor.  The Board approved the final draft of the Annual Report write up to be submitted.  New officers were discussed.  A. Lemieux made a motion to have the current officers stay in the same positions.  D. Brown second.  All in favor.  The officers for the Planning Commission are as follows:  Greg Heyer - Chair; Richard Wimble - Vice Chair; Mark Hunziker - Clerk.     


Discussion started by going over the updated “Issues and Opportunities” Report.  The Board then focused on

Article 7,  Planning and Design Standards.  The following topics were discussed:

            *  Landscaping – need to define “screening”.

            *  Zoning Administrator Enforcement Efforts – all conditions need to be enforceable.

            *  Stream Buffers – G. Brunswick will research options pertaining to stream buffers.

            * Steep Slopes -  Erosion control plans to be recommended.

            *  Sidewalks – No final decision was made on curbs and sidewalks.  A. Lemieux stated that she agrees                 that the Town needs sidewalks, but she also feels that if sidewalks are required by the Town, that they          should be maintained by the Town.  G. Brunswick, NRPC recommends that in the Growth Center and           the Mixed Use Districts that curbs and sidewalks should be required on new development roads                    (public or private) and along the project’s frontage with any existing private or public roads.  There                   was much discussion on the cost and practicality of such requirements.

            * Driveways vs. roads – Discussion centered on the number of homes needed before a driveway                                         becomes a road.  A. Lemieux suggested an expert be brought in for educational purposes on the                             issue.  G. Brunswick offered to find someone qualified to discuss the issue with the DRB and the                     Selectboard.  The PC thinks the current rule – that more than one house requires a road, increases the                      curb cuts, and effects cost of development, esthetics, affordable housing and many other factors. 


9:05 PM  M. Hunziker made a motion to adjourn.  D. Brown second.  All in favor. 


There will be no meeting on February 2, 2010.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, February 3, 2010, with G. Brunswick.



Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant




Approved_____________________________________ Date______________, 2010



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.