Planning Commission                       January 17, 2006             



PC MEMBERS PRESENT:  G. Heyer, A. Lemieux, M. Hunziker,

P. Hudson

Public Present:     S. Taylor, ZA


The meeting was called to order by G. Heyer at 7:30PM.


The minutes from January 3, 2006 were reviewed.  A. Lemieux made a motion to accept the minutes from January 3, 2006. M. Hunziker second.  All in favor.  Discussion again continued on the Bylaw changes.  The section on signs was reviewed again, and approved.  M. Hunziker will write definitions of affordable and low-income housing.  S. Taylor and C. Raymond will put a section into Appendix A regarding trash pick-up.


M. Hunziker also recommended changes to the organization of the whole document.  He also brought up questions concerning density bonus, such as: should a bonus for elderly housing and PUD be additive. Further discussion will be needed on this issue.


9:25PM A. Lemieux made a motion to adjourn.  M. Hunziker second.  All in favor.


The next meeting will be on January 31, 2006.






Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Planning and Zoning Assistant




Approved_____________________________________ Date______________, 2006
