FAIRFAX PLANNING COMMISSION                                          Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Members Present: G. Heyer, R. Wimble, M. Hunziker, D. Brown

Public Present: S.Taylor, ZA; Greta Brunswick, NRPC; Katrina Antonovich, Fairfax Recreation


7:00PM: G. Heyer called the meeting to order.


M. Hunziker moved to accept the minutes from November 1, 2011; D. Brown 2nd.  All in favor.


2012 Officers

M. Hunziker nominated the slate: G. Heyer – Chair

                                                R. Wimble – Vice Chair

                                                D. Brown – Clerk

D. Brown2nd.  All in favor.


Municipal Planning Grant

Greta Brunswick of Northwest Regional Planning handed out to the members an organizational agenda for the Municipal Grant that has been awarded to Fairfax for the 2013 Town Plan update, to include a new section on the Village Center.  Discussion included the number and makeup of members on a Vision Committee, how they may be identified and approached, the vision committee’s responsibilities, a suggested monthly timeline, and the number of meetings needed.  Greta will write a “recruiting letter” for the Planning Commission’s approval.  The PC would like to see the committee formed by the first of February and begin meeting by later that month.


Katrina Antonovich (Fairfax Recreation) addressed the PC about incorporating Healthy Communities language in the Town Plan to assist the Recreation Department and the Town as a whole in obtaining grants pertaining to healthy living.


Greta will have a co-planner on this project during her upcoming maternity leave beginning in May. 


The PC approved the copy for the 2011 Planning Commission report for the Town’s 2011 Annual Report.


There was discussion regarding the progress of the new Town Offices building committee.


The next meeting will be Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 7PM.


8:25- D. Brown moved to adjourn; M. Hunziker 2nd.  All in favor.



Respectfully submitted,

Martha Varney, Zoning and Planning Assistant