Planning Commission Minutes                             August 28, 2007         



PC MEMBERS PRESENT: G. Heyer, M. Hunziker, R. Wimble, A. Lemieux, P. Hudson

PUBLIC PRESENT: S. Taylor, ZA; G. Brunswick



7:30 PM  G. Heyer called the meeting to order.  G. Brunswick from Northwest Regional Planning handed the Board an updated copy of the Planning Grant Application for the 2008 Town Plan. The various sections of the application were reviewed.  All of the Board members were in favor of going forward with the Grant Application.  G. Brunswick will update the application and bring it back on September 11, 2007.  The application will then be presented to the Selectboard for their meeting on September 17, 2007, hopefully to be signed off by them. 


The study on the usefulness and connectivity of existing open space created as part of a PUD was discussed.  New maps will be created showing the areas of PUD open space now in Fairfax. Many PUD’s have individual open space lots.  One challenge brought up by S. Taylor, is the open space retained by an individual land owner within the PUD, with recreation easements. A. Lemiuex was concerned about land owners not having control over their own land. The study will be more of an inventory of open land.  A poll was taken of all the Board members asking if they would like to pursue the open space study.  All in favor.


Discussion centered on the Regional Plan.  G. Brunswick mentioned the concept of the Growth Center in Fairfax is being lost due to large developments outside the growth center.  Sewer and water availability is a contributing factor to slow growth in the actual Growth Center.  Both farm land and various ways of limiting development in outside areas were discussed.  G. Brunswick also talked about the Northwest Project that was completed.  The e-mail address showing tools, projects and profiles is:


Next meeting the Planning commission will prepare a draft of the proposed survey. G. Brunswick will also discuss the survey on Sept. 11, 2007, when she returns. 


9:00 PM  M. Hunziker made a motion to adjourn.  P. Hudson second.  All in favor.


Next meeting September 4, 2007




Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant




Approved_____________________________________ Date______________, 2007
