FAIRFAX DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD                  Wednesday, October 3, 2012

James Magnan Administrative Review of a 2-Lot Subdivision located at 527 Cherrierville Rd.


Members Present: J. Heyer; M. Dufresne; M. Casey; B. Murphy

Alternates present: P. Rainville

Applicant Present: Kurt Magnan

Public Present: Skip Taylor, ZA; Melissa Laflin


7:15 PM- J. Heyer opened the hearing.  The warning was read, introductions made, and interested persons sworn in.


Skip Taylor presented the Administrative Review to the Board.  The proposal is to create a 10-acre parcel located within 419.79 acres owned by James Magnan, on the west side of Cherrierville Rd.  Access to the parcel will be through property owned by James Magnan, and Dana and Hannah Decker.  Skip noted that the survey map presented by the applicant lacked a surveyor’s signature and should be 18”x24”.  Skip also asked that the ‘+/-‘ on the acreage amounts be removed – the measurements presented are accurate enough to negate the need for ‘+/-‘.  Skip recommended to the Board that the subdivision be approved.


Kurt Magnan explained that the driveway location is planned where there is currently a field road that serves the farm.  An easement allowing access to the proposed 10-acre lot references a 3rd property, leading to questions whether the driveway would need to be classified as a road and thus be required to meet A76 standards.  The driveway will cross three properties but serves 2 uses.  The easement references a “shared access road.”  M. Dufresne suggested that it may be better to be a right-of-way through the property.  The Board agreed and asked Mr. Magnan to modify the document.


M. Casey noted that on Sheet 2 of the site plan there was a note stating that the maximum driveway grade would be 15%.  However, Sheet 3 shows a maximum grade of 19.98%.  In addition, the site plan showed the travel portion of the driveway to be 12 feet wide.  The correct width should state 16-foot travel sections with 2-ft shoulders.  The site plan needs to be corrected.  There was discussion regarding the maximum slope of 15% for a driveway.


Melissa Laflin asked about the width of the driveway and if the Board would allow it to be narrower.  The Board explained there was no variance possible to the driveway dimensions stated in the Development Regulations because of Fire Department concerns.


8:42 PM- B. Murphy moved to accept Skip’s recommendation to approve the subdivision; P. Rainville 2nd.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Varney, Zoning and Planning Assistant


Signed: ______________________________________ Date: ________________

                        For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until the next regularly scheduled hearing.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.