DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD                               Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Ducharme/Bushey Boundary Adjustment Administrative Review at 27 and 28 Wells Rd.


Members Present: J. Heyer, B. Murphy, M. Casey

Alternates Present: P. Rainville

Public Present: Mike Antonioli, Erin Antonioli, Alan Matthews, S. Taylor, ZA

Applicants Present: Anthony Ducharme, Kevin Bushey


7:00 PM- J. Heyer called the meeting to order.  The public notice was read, introductions were made, and interested persons sworn in.


S. Taylor presented the survey map to the board, describing the changes to the boundary to allow for setbacks.  There was discussion regarding density calculations (not required for a boundary adjustment).  The lot sizes will stay above the minimum requirements.


B. Murphy asked about making the line straight rather than just at the immediate area of the swimming pool.  Mr. Bushey explained that he did not want to lose any more land than necessary.


Skip recommended approval.  There were no questions from the public or the applicants.


7:12 PM- B. Murphy moved to approve the Zoning Administrator’s recommendation to approve the Boundary Adjustment; P. Rainville2nd.  All in favor.J. Heyer signed the Findings of Fact and Order for the Board.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Varney, Zoning and Planning Assistant



Approved: ________________________________  Date: _______________, 2011

            For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimously approved unless otherwise indicated.