Members Present: J. Heyer, C. Rainville, C. Streets

Alternates Present: L. Hayes

Public Present: S. Taylor, ZA


7:00 PM            J. Heyer called the meeting to order.  The Mylar for Fairfax Investments was reviewed.  The Paper Map was accepted on Nov. 5, 2008.  C. Streets made a motion to approve the Mylar for Fairfax Investments.  C. Rainville second.  J. Heyer, C. Rainville and C. Streets in favor.  J. Heyer signed the Mylar.


7:15 PM                MORIN FINAL PLAT REVIEW


7:50 PM            There was general discussion on various subjects including the new Town Plan, and sewer and water in the growth center.  J. Beers arrived. 


8:15 PM               PAUL BEAN – SKETCH PLAN REVIEW


8:30 PM            B. Murphy phoned into the DRB meeting.  The minutes from November 5, 2008 were reviewed.

C. Streets made a motion to accept both the general minutes and the Rooney minutes as written from November 5, 2008.  J. Heyer second.  J. Heyer, C. Streets and B. Murphy (by telephone input) in favor.


8:45 PM            C. Streets made a motion to adjourn.  C. Rainville second.  All in favor.


There will be no meeting on December 17, 2008, as there are no hearings scheduled.   



Respectfully Submitted,    

Cathy Raymond, Planning and Zoning Assistant



Approved:  ________________________________  Date:  _________________2008

                    For the Development Review Board


These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 

All motions were unanimously approved unless otherwise indicated. 





DRB Roll Call: J. Heyer, C. Rainville, C. Streets

Alternates Present: L. Hayes

Public Present: S. Taylor, Z.A.; A. Dahm; N. Hassett-Dahm; R. Morin; D. Morin; J.H. Stuart


7:15 PM                         J. Heyer called the meeting to order. The public notice was read and attendees signed in. J. Heyer asked J. H. Stuart, Engineer, if there have been any major changes since the last hearing. Mr. Stuart stated this project was Phase II.  There are some wet lands on the property.  There will probably be: two possible residential/commercial uses on lots 20 and 43; approximately 25 single family homes; 5 duplexes and one 25 unit senior housing building.  There are no specifics on the senior housing building or commercial uses at this time. They will need Site Plan Hearings at a future time.  The project will have a Community Water System.  They will drill a well for construction purposes.  A. Dahm asked how many units will be built. There will be approximately 61 units including the senior housing building.  Mr. Dahm also asked about the impact on services such as police and fire, and on schools. He mentioned budget concerns. J. H. Stuart stated he had the school impact form returned from the School.  He also did not think this development would have a negative impact on services.


The proposed Nature Park (lot 45 – approximately 10 acres) will be dedicated to all future land owners.  Lot 44 (approximately 78 acres) will be retained by the applicant. It is technically developable, but due to steep slopes, soil type and wet-lands, it is not a favorable site for development. C. Streets asked about artifacts on the property.  The UVM Archeological Program found no evidence that would stop the building process.

N. Hassett-Dahm had two issues: 1) Low income housing.  Per JH Stuart, there is none planned.  D. Morin stated the prices will be whatever the market will bear, with the lowest price possibly around $260,000.  2) Traffic concerns.  Per JH Stuart, There will be an increase in the number of cars, but Route 104 has the capacity to handle it. 


J. H. Stuart mentioned the road will initially be private, but built to Town Standards.  S. Taylor recommended that the Engineer meet with the Selectboard before the road is built to review what the Town requires for a Town Road. The road will have a grade less than 10% and will be flat in many areas.  There will be a 35’ X 35’ hammerhead at the end of the road.   J. Heyer asked about a future ROW to Paul Bean’s Eastfield Condominiums. There may be a possible by-pass road in the future.   Density Calculations were discussed.  The community water system was discussed.  It will need to be licensed by the State and tested regularly.  There will be a pump house at the reservoir. The pressure tanks and control system will be automated.  A Zoning Permit will be required when the pump house is built. 


C. Streets made a motion to close the hearing to public input and move to deliberative.  C. Rainville second.  All in favor. 



Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant



Approved:  ________________________________  Date:  _________________2008

                    For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 

All motions were unanimously approved unless otherwise indicated. 





DRB Roll Call: J. Heyer, C. Rainville, C. Streets, J. Beers

Alternates Present: L. Hayes

Public Present: S. Taylor, Z.A.; P. Bean; J.H. Stuart


7:15 PM                         J. Heyer called the meeting to order. The public notice was read and attendees signed in. J. H. Stuart, Engineer, made the presentation. The current property has approximately 40.4 acres with an existing house.  The driveway to the barn and existing house crosses Mill Brook via a bridge.  The subdivision will create two lots, each with a little over 20 acres.  There will be on-site water and sewer. No replacement area will be needed for lot 2.  The wetlands on the property will have a 50 foot buffer.  The driveway for lot 2 will have a passing zone, due to the length of the driveway, and the bridge will need to be widened.  Per the Fairfax Selectboard, the two foot shoulders will not be required for the bridge.  J. Heyer asked how much weight the bridge could bear.  The support system is made for heavy loads.  Per Mr. Stuart the State did not require a permit for the bridge crossing the stream. The power will come in on a pole, but the rest of the services will be underground. S. Taylor asked if a Utility Easement will be required. The project was declared to be a Minor Subdivision.  No site visit is required.


L. Hayes made a motion to accept the Sketch Plan with the action items noted.  J. Beers second. 

All in favor.




1.  Determine if Utility Easement is required, and if so, show the Easement on the Plat.

2.  Submit a copy of the e-mail from the State regarding not needing a Permit to cross the stream.   



Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant



Approved:  ________________________________  Date:  _________________2008

                    For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 

All motions were unanimously approved unless otherwise indicated.