Members Present: J. Heyer, B. Murphy, J. Beers, C. Streets, C. Rainville

Public Present: S. Taylor, ZA


7:00 PM                Site visit to Paige Estates (MA1286).

7:30 PM                J. Heyer called the meeting to order after the Board returned from a site visit.   




7:45 PM  The minutes from April 8, 2009 were reviewed.  C. Rainville made a motion to accept all the minutes from April 8, 2009.  J. Beers second.  All in favor.  B. Murphy made a motion to enter deliberative session with S. Taylor, ZA included.  C. Streets second.  All in favor. 

8:05 PM  C. Rainville made a motion to exit deliberative session.  B. Murphy second.  All in favor. 


L. Hayes arrived.  C. Streets left. 




8:30 PM  C. Rainville made a motion to adjourn.  J. Beers second.  All in favor. 




Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant




Approved:  ________________________________  Date:  _________________2009

                    For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 

All motions were unanimously approved unless otherwise indicated.






Members Present: J. Heyer, B. Murphy, C. Rainville, J. Beers, C. Streets

Public Present: S. Taylor, Z.A.; R. Horr, A. Horr, D. Meisenzahl, W. Meisenzahl


7:30 PM    J. Heyer called the meeting to order. The public notice was read and attendees signed in. Interested parties were sworn in.  Bob Horr stated there are no major changes.  B. Murphy asked about access to the larger lot.  It is now well defined on the plat.  The road foreman verbally told Bob Horr and S. Taylor, ZA the best place for access would be at the top of the hill.  It is good for a driveway, but will not work for access for any future development.  B. Horr asked if the Board would have had an issue if the shape of the lot was changed to allow better access for the possibility for future lots.  The Board would have had no issue with the shape of the lot.  There was no public input.  There were two surveys completed by different Surveyors showing different sections of the property, thus there will be two Mylars required. C. Streets made a motion to close the hearing to public input and move to deliberative. J. Beers second.  All in favor.  





Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant



Approved:  ________________________________  Date:  _________________2009

                        For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 

All motions were unanimously approved unless otherwise indicated. 






Members Present: J. Heyer, B. Murphy, C. Rainville, J. Beers

Alternate Present: L. Hayes

Public Present: S. Taylor, Z.A.; S. Ruggiano, Engineer


7:30 PM    J. Heyer called the meeting to order. The public notice was read and attendees signed in. Interested parties were sworn in.  S. Ruggiano, Engineer made the presentation.  The main concern was the width of the roadway. The road way does have the required 28 feet to meet A-76 standards. They re-configured lot one, and squared it up.  They also extended the property line to meet the density requirements.    The final paper map (Plat) will need to include all adjoining property owners.  The total acreage of the property is now showing on the Plat.  A road name sign will need to be installed at the other end of Green Acres Road.

The Wastewater Permit has been obtained and a copy is in the file.  C. Rainville asked about road maintenance.

Any new Deeds for any parcel will need to reference road maintenance. J. Beers asked about trash pick-up.

It was deemed not to be an issue.  The width of roads in general was discussed.  L. Hayes said the wider roads are important for fire trucks. B. Murphy made a motion to close the hearing to public input and move to deliberative.  J. Beers second.  All in favor. 




Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant



Approved:  ________________________________  Date:  _________________2009

                        For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 

All motions were unanimously approved unless otherwise indicated.