Members Present: J. Heyer, B. Murphy, C. Rainville, C. Streets, J. Beers,

Alternates Present: L. Hayes

Public Present: S. Taylor, ZA


7:00 PM            J. Heyer called the meeting to order.



                         BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT


7:15 PM            C. Streets made a motion to accept the general minutes from December 3, 2008.  J. Beers second.

J. Heyer, J. Beers, L. Hayes, C. Rainville, and C. Streets in favor. The minutes from the Morin Final Plat Hearing were reviewed. C. Streets made a motion to accept the minutes from the Morin Final Plat Hearing.  C. Rainville second.

J. Heyer, L. Hayes, C. Rainville and C. Streets in favor.  The minutes from the Bean Sketch Plan Hearing were reviewed.  J. Beers made a motion to accept the minutes from the Bean Sketch Plan Hearing.  C. Streets second.  J. Heyer, J. Beers, L. Hayes, C. Rainville, and C. Streets in favor. The write-up for the Annual Report was reviewed and accepted by the Development Review Board.  A request from Jason Minor for a six month extension for his Diversified Farm Plan was reviewed.  B. Murphy made a motion to grant a six month extension for the Minor’s Diversified Farm Plan, J. Beers second.  All in favor.  J. Heyer signed the letter for the Board. 


S. Taylor asked the Board for advice regarding a sewer line easement on the Workman Project.  The easements have been agreed to, and many lots have been conveyed and built on, although some lots only have foundations that have been capped.  B. Murphy was concerned that the project is not completely built up, and thought a revision to the Plat would be a clean record of any changes.  The Hearing would be short, but would need to be publicly warned.  The Steeple Market was discussed.  The property is in the Flood Plain.  It is a commercial structure and will probably not be rebuilt on the exact footprint of the former church.  This project will need to be treated the same way as any other project. If they decide to re-build, a Site Plan Review will be needed and the Flood Plain considerations will need to be addressed.  B Murphy left.




S. Taylor talked about the Vt. Interactive TV program that he attended with a member from the PC and from the DRB regarding upcoming changes required by the State in 2011.  S. Taylor then asked the Board about the map that was submitted for the Bean Hearing.  A Building Envelope was not shown.  The Board was satisfied with the map as presented because the lot was so large, and set-backs were not an issue.  A hearing for J. Bryce was  scheduled for January 21, 2009.  This can not be done by Administrative Review, due to an existing driveway that will need to be upgraded to a road.


J. Beers, and S. Taylor left.

7:55 PM  C. Rainville made a motion to enter deliberative session.  L. Hayes second.  All in favor.

8:10 PM  C. Rainville made a motion to exit deliberative session.  L. Hayes second.  All in favor.

8:10 PM C. Rainville made a motion to adjourn.  L. Hayes second.  All in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,    

Cathy Raymond, Planning and Zoning Assistant



Approved:  ________________________________  Date:  _________________2009

                    For the Development Review Board


These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 

All motions were unanimously approved unless otherwise indicated. 






DRB Roll Call: J. Heyer, B. Murphy, C. Rainville, C. Streets, J. Beers

Public Present: S. Taylor, Z.A.; B Keefe, K. Antonovich


7:15 PM                         J. Heyer called the meeting to order. The public notice was read and attendees signed in.

S. Taylor had done an Administrative Review of the Boundary Adjustment request between the Keefe property and The Town Property (owned by both the Town and the School District). It is a very small piece of land to be used for future rest rooms for the recreation park.  The Findings of Fact and Order as written by S. Taylor needed some clerical revisions.  The map submitted needs to include the Town of Fairfax as well as the Fairfax School District.  B. Murphy made a motion to approve S. Taylor’s recommendation for the Boundary Adjustment, with the changes noted. J. Beers second.  All in favor.  J. Heyer signed the revised Findings of Fact and Order for the Development Review Board.



Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant



Approved:  ________________________________  Date:  _________________2009

                    For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 

All motions were unanimously approved unless otherwise indicated. 






DRB Roll Call: J. Heyer, C. Rainville, C. Streets, J. Beers

Alternates Present: L. Hayes

Public Present: S. Taylor, Z.A.; P. Bean


7:15 PM                         J. Heyer called the meeting to order. The public notice was read and attendees signed in.

Paul Bean stated the action items that were noted during the Sketch Plan Hearing have all been addressed. Documentation is now in the file.  Also a copy of the Selectboard Minutes referencing their opinion (that two foot shoulders, along the bridge, would not be needed), is in the file.  Wet lands were discussed.  Mr. Bean did not think there were any wet lands on their property.  If a change due to wetlands was needed, it would be very small and would not effect the density calculations. The new home would be built on the top of a knoll.  It was noted that the location of the house on the lot, would need to be shown before a Building Permit would be issued. 


C. Rainville made a motion to close the hearing to public input and move to deliberative.  L. Hayes second.  All in favor.





Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant



Approved:  ________________________________  Date:  _________________2009

                    For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 

All motions were unanimously approved unless otherwise indicated.