DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD                               Wednesday, June 15, 2011



Members Present: J. Heyer,  J. Beers, B. Murphy, M. Casey

Alternate Present: L. Hayes

Public Present: S. Taylor, ZA; Christopher Baker

Applicant Present: James Blakeney


7:30 PM: The warning was read, introductions made, and interested people sworn in.  S. Taylor, ZA, explained that the Blakeney’s have 25.72 acres they want to subdivide into 2 lots.  One lot will include their home and outbuildings and will be 5.38 acres.  The remaining parcel will be 20.34 acres.  Button Land Surveyors prepared the plan.  The 20.34 acre parcel will be identified as Lot 10 and the 5.38 acre parcel identified as Lot 9.  Frontage and density requirements have been met.  The subdivision was recommended for approval.


An earlier subdivision by the Blakeney’s on Upper Meadow Rd. had 9  lots.  B. Murphy asked if the original subdivision was a PUD. (Blakeney) No, it was a PRD (Planned Residential Development).  Were all homeowners in the PRD notified about the subdivision? No, only the one abutter (Christopher and Angela Baker).B. Murphy said she thinks all in the PRD should have been notified.  The Zoning office will send notices to all homeowners in an abutting PRD or PUD in the future.  Is there a request for any future build-out of Lot 10 at this time?No.


Public Input:   Christopher Baker asked about access to Lot 10. Blakeney – Access will be from Upper Meadow.  He has retained a Right of Way on Upper Meadow.  Any future development will be subject to the current PRD association.  Any future development would include a condition to contact and join the road association.


M. Casey moved to approve the recommendation of the Zoning Administrator to approve the 2-lot subdivision; B. Murphy 2nd.  All in favor.J. Heyer signed the Findings of Fact and Order. 


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Varney, Zoning and Planning Administrator



Approved ______________________________________ Date ________________,2011

                       For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.