

The minutes presented below are unapproved , subject to corrections and/or additions at the next Selectboard meeting. Those corrections and/or additions will be written to the original minutes. If you, the viewer, wish to personally see those changes, you will need to go to the Fairfax Town Office to view those changes as written on the original paper copy.

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MONDAY, JUNE 18, 2012


Selectboard Members Present: Randy DeVine, Chris Santee, David Shea and Tom Fontaine.

Public Present:Chad Spooner and Dorey Myers, State of Vermont Department of Health; Peter King Constable and Kevin Bushey, FCSD.

7:00 P.M. –Randy, Vice-Chair called the meeting to order in Bob’s absence.

Minutes: June 4, 2012

*Chris made the motion to approve the minutes as written; seconded by Tom. The motion carried with a vote of 3-0-1.

Agenda Items:

7:15 p.m. – Chad Spooner and Dorey Myers are here from the State of Vermont Department of Health – St. Albans District. They are here to talk about the public health system and what’s available to communities in Franklin County. Some of the topics of discussion were flu shots, public transportation, emergency preparedness, family preparedness, public awareness and education.

Orders/Purchase Order: Reviewed by Randy.

7:30 p.m. – Kevin Bushey, Franklin County Sheriff’s Department

Kevin came in this evening to update the Board on the services being provided to the Town by the FCSD. He reported what types of calls are being received from the area. He also reported that home invasions are down and some stolen property has been recovered and returned to the owners. He was given a copy of the Fletcher Road speed study performed by NWRP. Peter King, Constable, is working with the FCSD.

Other Business/Correspondence:

1. Utility Department: A list for w/s disconnect notices were reviewed. Action: Disconnects will take place next week. There are a total of (8) eight disconnects at the present time.

2. A letter from the Nichol’s Road Homeowner’s Association, dated 6/5/12, was received requesting the town to take over their Road. Action: A response will be sent to them.

3. Town Land Committee – Skip has provided the Board with two names of residents that would like to be appointed to the TLC. Action:

*Chris made the motion to appoint Ralph McNall and Patricia Hendee to the TLC; seconded by Tom. The motion carried with a vote of 3-0-1.

4. Town Clerk’s Office: A request to purchase a scanner from NEMRC to scan tax bills has been received. Action:

*Tom made the motion to approve the purchase of the scanner for$1100.00 +/-; seconded by Dave.The motion carried with a vote of 3-0-1.

5. The direction of the interviewing process for the Working Road Foreman position was discussed.

6. Two highway insurance claims against the Town were denied by VLCT.

Signatures Required:

1. Vermont DEC Drinking Water & Groundwater Protection

*Chris made a motion that Dave Shea signs the report; seconded by Tom. The motion carried with a vote of 3-0-1.

2. SEP Medicare Part B enrollment form.

*The Board, by consensus, agreed to have Randy sign the form for a town employee.

3. Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation – Watershed Management Division.

*Chris made the motion that Dave Shea signs the report; seconded by Tom. The motion carried with a vote of 3-0-1.

4. Office Policy x’s 2 for workshop seminar and work duties – tabled.

Misc. Correspondence – reviewed.

*9:02 p.m. - Executive Session:

Dave made the motion to enter into executive session to discuss personnel issues; seconded by Tom. The motion carried with a vote of 3-0-1.

*10:27 p.m. – Exit Executive Session:

Chris made the motion to exit executive session; seconded by Tom. The motion carried with a vote of 3-0-1.

10:28 p.m. - Adjourn:

Chris made the motion to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Tom. The motion carried with a vote of 3-0-1.

Respectfully submitted by Stacy M. Wells, Administrative Assistant to the Selectboard


Randy DeVine, Vice-Chair


The above minutes are unapproved , subject to amendment.

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