

The minutes presented below are unapproved , subject to corrections and/or additions at the next Selectboard meeting. Those corrections and/or additions will be written to the original minutes. If you, the viewer, wish to personally see those changes, you will need to go to the Fairfax Town Office to view those changes as written on the original paper copy.

Any time the Selectboard "amends" the previous weeks' minutes, there will be a statement to that effect in the minutes of the meeting at which the "amending" occurred.



MONDAY, MARCH 19, 2012


Selectboard Members Present: Bob Horr, Randy DeVine andChris Santee.

New members present Tom Fontaine and Dave Shea.

Public Present:Peter King, Constable; Michael Spaulding and Dan Vanslette, Fairfax Rescue; Skip Taylor, Zoning Administrator; Dana Decker.

7:00 P.M. - Call to Order: Bob called the meeting to order.

Agenda Items:

Election of New Officers

Chair of the Selectboard:

*Chris Santee nominated Bob Horr as the Chair; Randy DeVine seconded.Discussion. Bob asked “are there any other nominations”?

Dave Shea nominated Chris Santee Chair; no second. The motion carried to elect Bob Horr Chair of the Selectboard. Vote: 4-0-1.

Vice-Chair of the Selectboard:

*Chris Santee nominated Randy DeVine as Vice-Chair; seconded by Bob Horr. Discussion/Other Nominations: None. The motion carried. Vote: 4-0-1.

*Chris Santee made the motion to cease the nominations; seconded by Tom Fontaine. The motion carried. Vote: 4-0-1.

1st Constable:

Peter was here to update the Board about the Constable position. He reviewed the Dog and Wolf Hybrid Ordinance Violation Procedure with the Board due to the previous dog violation and presented the warrant as directed by Title 20 V.S.A. for that violation.

*Randy made the motion to elect Peter as 1st Constable; seconded by Dave. Discussion: Concern with radio coverage. Motion carried. Vote: 4-0-1

Town Health Officer:

Dave made the motion to appoint Peter as the Fairfax Health Officer; seconded by Chris. Discussion. Motion carried. Vote: 4-0-1.

Bob asked the Board if they would give their consent allowing him to sign the paperwork as Chair for the Health Officer position. The Board agreed.

Town Service Officer:

Randy talked to Joel Gluck about performing the job for another year. Randy will get the paperwork to Joel to sign.

Regional Energy Committee: Tom Fontaine accepted to be a representative to this Committee.

7:30 P.M. – Fairfax Rescue

Michael Spaulding, Dan Vanslette and Skip Taylor, are here to talk to the Board about the proposal for a new rescue building and the improvement to Goodall Street. Goodall Street is not a town road and would need to be brought up to A76 Standards before the Town would consider taking it over. Mike stated that a group of people agree to pay the cost of all materials, equipment and labor needed to widen the road to meet the A76 standard. However, this group would not be responsible for the cost of paving. This agreement is made based on the acceptance of Goodall Street by the Selectboard as a town road after the improvements are made. Inadvertently, the Board conceptually gave approval for this but never put anything in writing. The DRB, as well as the other parties, need to have something in writing from the Board stating that it agrees to take the road over once it’s certified that it meets the town specifications. The road; supervised by Road Foreman Don Pigeon.

Dana Decker – Casella pick-up

Dana Decker is here this evening to talk to the Board about a problem with Casella not picking up what they considered to be commercial waste. Bob will talk to Casella to see if the materials could be recycled.

Minutes/Hearing of Dog Ordinance 3/1/12:

Chris made the motion to accept the minutes/testimony as written; seconded by Randy. Motion carried. Vote 3-0.

Minutes 3/5/12:

Chris made the motion to accept the minutes as written; seconded by Randy. Motion carried. Vote 3-0. (New members Dave and Tom were not involved in the 3/1 hearing or the 3/5/12 minutes, therefore did not vote.)

Public Input: None

Invoices/Payroll: Reviewed by Randy.

Other Business/Correspondence:

1. Liquor Licenses:

Adam’s Quick Stop: *Chris made a motion to sign the license for MA2712; seconded by Dave. Motion carried. Vote 4-0-1.

Minor’s Country Store: *Chris made a motion to sign the license for MA0874; seconded by Tom. Motion carried. Vote 4-0-1.

2. Employee Handbook: Tom and Dave will review the handbook.

3. Delinquent Utility Account OA0063 in the amount of $371.55 discussed. *Dave made a motion to file a lien on the property; seconded by Tom. Motion carried. Vote: 4-0-1,

4. Lister position discussed.

5. Franklin County Sheriff contract signed.

6. Drinking water week; $100 donation from the Utility Department.

Tom made the motion to approve the donation; seconded by Dave. Motion carried. Vote: 4-0-1.

7. Water acquisition: Adjoining landowners to FR0293 will be sent a letter regarding well information.


Chris made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 p.m.; seconded by Tom. Motion carried. Vote: 5-0.

The next Selectboard meeting will be held on April 2nd at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Stacy M. Wells, Administrative Assistant to the Selectboard


Robert A. Horr, Vice-Chair


The above minutes are unapproved , subject to amendment.

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