

The minutes presented below are unapproved , subject to corrections and/or additions at the next Selectboard meeting. Those corrections and/or additions will be written to the original minutes. If you, the viewer, wish to personally see those changes, you will need to go to the Fairfax Town Office to view those changes as written on the original paper copy.

Any time the Selectboard "amends" the previous weeks' minutes, there will be a statement to that effect in the minutes of the meeting at which the "amending" occurred.



MONDAY, December 5, 2011


Selectboard Members Present: Bill Ormerod, Chair; Bob Horr, Vice-Chair; Peter King, Randy DeVine and Chris Santee.

Public Present: Jim Minor, Cemetery Commission Chair and Michelle Dufresne

Call to Order: Bill called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


Don Pigeon – Road Foreman

Don advised the Board to upgrade the John Deere 410 backhoe in 2012; it’s 11 years old with 8,000 hrs. He talked with Tim Pudvar at Nortrax go get an amount to work with for budgeting purposes.

The State of Vermont Class 2 Resurfacing grant money was received on 11/17/11.

Don talked to Jan Lewandowski regarding repair of the covered bridge; the $7,800.00 grant money is good for two years.

The SB received an email, dated 12/5/11, from a resident on Meade Road regarding the beavers blocking the culvert creating high water levels in the pond. Bob will contact Julie Foley from the State of Vermont to address the issue.

Skip Taylor – Zoning Administrator

Skip handed out his Activity Report covering the time period of November 7th to December 5, 2011.

The Board talked to Skip regarding the new rescue building access via Goodall Street.

Skip talked to Jeff Noyes from Heindel & Noyes, Inc. regarding a refund for services not performed for mapping. (A letter from Heindel & Noyes, Inc. dated 12/2/11.)The Board discussed several options on how to proceed with this. The response to them will be that the payment offer they sent is not acceptable. The counter alternatives are #1 two payments of $1,750.00, to be paid within 90 days of this date, or #2 one payment of $2,000.00, to be paid within 30 days. Skip will convey the options to them via e.mail.

The Town Office Committee would like to spend $400.00 for a preliminary floor plan and elevations; and $600.00 for a preliminary construction estimate.

Peter made a motion to approve the $1,000.00 for a preliminary floor plan and elevations, and a preliminary construction estimate.

Bob seconded the motion. Discussion: The money will come out of the Capital Improvement line item in the budget. Motion carries.

Vote 4-0-1.

Randy DeVine – Water & Sewer Superintendent

Randy reported his activity for the month of November. He stated the Ladd pump station is down due to a malfunctioning capacitor. He has a call into an electrician. Randy shut the water off at FR0002, at the request of the owner, the building is currently empty. There was 6” of snowfall for the month. He ran the new snow blower which performed well. They are continuing their yearly inspections of manholes. The #40 manhole could not be located. They spent time poking the ground for the 28” manhole but were unsuccessful in locating it. Don stated that some filled had been put in there which may be covering it. Randy is presently training Paul on how to take synthetic organic compounding. We received the title for the 2000 Chevy dump truck purchased from BFA. The truck will be split between the Highway and Utility Departments.

The Utility Department received a letter from the owner of MA1127 regarding a higher than usual water bill for July – October. A new meter had been installed at the residence and there was concern that it wasn’t functioning properly. Randy took a look at the meter.

*Chris made a motion to adjust the water bill to reflect an average of the past four quarters for MA1127. Peter seconded the motion. Discussion: A letter should be included stating, “as per your request, the Water Commissioners have agreed to average the previous four quarters, giving you an amount due of $267.20. However, this is a 1x adjustment to your bill. Should this occur in the future you will be responsible for any and all charges”.

The motion carried. Vote 4-0-1.

Paul`s hours were discussed as he’s bordering on being able to qualify for retroactive municipal retirement for the year.

Jim Minor – Cemetery Commission Chair

Jim stated that he was here this evening to address the two letters sent to the Board regarding a concern with the current condition of Mudgett Cemetery. It was felt that regular maintenance needs to be performed each year to keep it manageable. Jim will get in touch with the two people who submitted the letters to express the plan for scheduled maintenance of the cemetery. The right-of-way easement was also discussed.

Michelle Dufresne – DRB appointment

Michelle sent a letter to the SB requesting a desire to be appointed to the Development Review Board. The Board asked Michelle why she would like to be on the DRB. She was also cautioned about any conflict of interests.

Peter made a motion to appoint Michelle to the DRB. Chris seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Vote 5-0

Minutes 11/21/11

Chris made a motion to accept the minutes as written.

Peter seconded the motion. Motion carries. Vote 5-0

Orders & Purchase Orders: Randy reviewed and approved.

Correspondence/Other Business:

1. 2012 budgeting scheduled 1/12/12 at 8 AM. This will be publically warned.

2. The fire house energy audit was performed on 12/2/11.

3. The Union Bank line of credit discussed.

4. Holiday closing discussed. The Town Office will be closed on Friday December 23rd and Monday December 26th for the Christmas holiday.

5. The first Select Board meeting in 2012 will be held on Tuesday, January 3rd at 7 PM.


Peter made the motion to adjourn at 9:42 PM.

Randy seconded the motion. Motion carries. Vote 5-0

The minutes were respectfully submitted by Stacy Wells, Administrative Assistant to the Selectboard.


William Ormerod, Chair


The above minutes are unapproved , subject to amendment.

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