

The minutes presented below are unapproved , subject to corrections and/or additions at the next Selectboard meeting. Those corrections and/or additions will be written to the original minutes. If you, the viewer, wish to personally see those changes, you will need to go to the Fairfax Town Office to view those changes as written on the original paper copy.

Any time the Selectboard "amends" the previous weeks' minutes, there will be a statement to that effect in the minutes of the meeting at which the "amending" occurred.

Fairfax Selectboard Minutes of 11/10/08

Selectboard Members present: Judy Cleary, Bill Ormerod, Charlie Swanson, Randy DeVine and Bob Horr.
Staff Members present: Erin McSweeney, Administrative Assistant to the Selectboard.
Public Present: Melissa Beerworth.

1.Call to Order

When the Selectboard returned to the Town Office, Judy Cleary called the meeting to order at 7:09PM.

2. Minutes

A. Bill motioned to accept the minutes from the meeting on November 3, 2008, as written. Bob seconded. All board members voted in favor of accepting the minutes of the meeting on November 3, 2008.

3. Items on the Agenda

A. Joint Meeting with the School Board - The Selectboard and the School Board held a joint meeting that began at 6:30PM. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Memorandum of Understanding regarding the Recreation Department. Katrina Antonovich, Parks and Recreation Director, has asked for clarification on some of the items in the document. Peg Stewart, School Board
Chairperson, reviewed the items Katrina has questions on.

Peg indicated that the lower field is co-owned by the Town and the School. The upper field, the road way, the parking lot, and the cul-de-sac belong to the school. Peg clarified that the Recreation Department is a Town Department. Peg indicated that the Town pays for the Groundskeeper's work on the lower field, and the school pays for the Groundskeeper's work on the upper field. Peg also indicated that she has heard the suggestion that the Groundskeeper should tend to the sides of the road; she proposed that the Town would pay for the left side of the road, and the school would pay for the right side of the road. Gary Stewart, Groundskeeper, suggested that the Memorandum of Understanding should also include who is responsible for the parking lot and the cul-de-sac. Gary suggested that the Town could pay for the maintenance of the parking lot and the cul-de-sac, and the school could pay for the maintenance of the Recreation Path.

The boards discussed who will pay for the fuel for the lawn mower. Right now, the school is paying for the fuel. Bill noted that the Town has agreed to assist snow removal for the school when necessary. Bill clarified that the Recreation Department is funded directly through the Town budget. After some discussion, the school will continue to pay for the fuel for the mower. Gary Stewart noted that the Highway Department has assisted him on many occasions.

The boards also discussed the use of the recreation fields, as football will begin using them next fall. The boards also discussed whether to purchase movable goals.

Katrina indicated that she will be scheduling any non-school related event; Mike Brown will continue to schedule the events for the school. Katrina and Mike will continue to advise each other of field availability.

The joint meeting of the School board and the Selectboard ended at 7:00PM.

The Selectboard meeting resumed at 7:09PM at the Town Office.

B. Randy Devine - Randy reviewed the following reports for October 2008: Permit Monitoring Information, Operations Report for Aerated Lagoons, Phosphorus Monitoring Report, and the Sewer Discharge Report. Randy gave a summary of activities for the week, including, but not limited to: attempting to contact the people who need their water meter replaced, turning off the water at 2 Parker Road to determine where a water leak was, took composite sampling for waste water, took water samples, transferred the lawn mower to winter storage and took out the snow blower. Randy informed the board that he and Paul Langelier cleaned the main pump station, and cleaned the air lines in the lagoons.

Randy informed the board that he does not have hot water at the Wastewater Treatment Facility. He will contact Northern Coal and Oil.

Randy has received a quote of $7,600 from JP Electric for the work that needs to be done on the Route 104 Pump Station. He noted that the quote is valid for 30 days.

4. Other Business

A. The board reviewed the Water Supply Rule.

B. The board reviewed the Profit & Loss Report and the checkbook balance for the Utility Department.

C. The board continued their review of the Zoning Administrator's job description.

D. A tax appeal has been filed by the owners of the Fairfax Green Senior Housing Building. Charlie motioned to allow Stitzel, Page, and Fletcher to hire an appraiser of their choice to conduct an appraisal of the Senior Housing building. Bill seconded. All board members voted in favor.

E. George DeCell, a resident of Sam Webb Road, would like the Town to put up a sign indicating that there is a school bus stop at the top of the hill.

F. Randy informed the board that he has sold all of the hydrated lime that was left over from the spring.

G. The board would like Randy to purchase light bulbs and a new motion detector for the Town Office.

H. Erin will send Chris Santee a notice for publication in the December issue of the Fairfax news regarding the availability of recycle bins.

5. Public Input

There was no public input this evening.

6. Executive Session

A. Bob motioned to enter Executive Session to discuss a pending legal matter at 8:33PM. Bill seconded. The board entered Executive Session at 8:33PM.

B.Charlie motioned to return to public session at 8:51PM. Bob seconded. The board returned to public session at 8:51PM.

7. Adjournment

Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:53PM. Bob seconded. All board members voted in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 8:53PM.

Erin McSweeney, Administrative Assistant to the Selectboard


The above minutes are unapproved , subject to amendment.

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