

The minutes presented below are unapproved , subject to corrections and/or additions at the next Selectboard meeting. Those corrections and/or additions will be written to the original minutes. If you, the viewer, wish to personally see those changes, you will need to go to the Fairfax Town Office to view those changes as written on the original paper copy.

Any time the Selectboard "amends" the previous weeks' minutes, there will be a statement to that effect in the minutes of the meeting at which the "amending" occurred.



MONDAY, October 3, 2011


Selectboard Members Present: Bill Ormerod, Robert Horr, Randy DeVine

and Peter King.

Public Present: Betty Poulin, Don Pigeon, Road Foreman, Skip Taylor, Zoning Administrator and Bob Gerenser, ACS.

Call to Order: Bill called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.

Deviation from agenda:

Public Input: Betty Poulin came in this evening to discuss her delinquent water and sewer bill generated from filling her pool in July, 2009. Bill asked if she would pay the $16.73 if the Board waived the late fee of $25.00. Bill presumed the answer was no as Betty stated the Board owes her for her fence and wanted that on the record. Bill queried the Board if anyone would like to make a motion to waive the $16.73 along with the late fee. The Board declined. The current balance on her account is a delinquent amount of $41.73.


Don Pigeon – Road Foreman

Don came in to discuss purchasing an extended engine warranty for the new dump truck. Don would prefer an 84 month/200,000 miles, or 7,200 hours, whichever comes first. Bob made a motion to approve the purchase of an extended engine warranty from J&B in the amount of $2,796.00. Peter seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote 3-0-1.

(The monies will be deducted from the Highway Maintenance & Repair line item.)(Clark’s quote was an extended warranty was for $3,060.00.)

HHWD is October 15, 2011. We will obtain two dumpsters from Casella for household waste and one dumpster for metal. DJ will be in charge at HHWD as Don will be on vacation.

They’ve finished painting the last truck; put on winter tires and plow frames and are ready for winter.

Skip Taylor - Zoning Administrator

Skip handed out his “Activity Report” for 9/7/11 - 10/3/11. The Board asked Skip where the parcel map clean-up project is in terms of completion. The Board feels a service has been paid for which hasn’t been provided. A letter will be generated by Skip expressing our displeasure stating if the project is not complete within 30 days from the date of the letter, we will request a full refund of the $3500.00, and the contract terminated.

Skip and Martha would like the Board’s permission to attend the November 2nd - Planning and Zoning Forum in Montpelier. Bob made the motion approving their attendance. Peter seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote 3-0-1. It was advised that a member from the DRB and PC also attend. (The cost per person is $55.00 and approved for up to four people to attend.)

Skip Taylor, Zoning Administrator

Wally Smith from FEMA brought two sets of FEMA material for the town.

Skip would like the SB to replace him as the Fairfax representative to the Regional Energy Committee. The Board told him to go ahead and submit his resignation.

The Town Office/Land Committee has narrowed the search for land to two parcels. The committee will put together some financial data with pros and cons for the two choices.

Randy DeVine – Water & Sewer Superintendent

Randy gave the board a summary of activities for last week including, but not limited to: fixed the door at the town office and removed the air condition units, flushing signs posted around town with flushing the lines taking place October 3-7th; lagoon number one was not draining properly, the drain was plugged, which has been repaired; the basement is dry and manhole inspections continue. We will look into contracting with someone to help Randy with these inspections to move the process along. There are 112 manholes and 14 inspections have been completed thus far. Most of the manholes are out of the state R.O.W.

Bob Gerenser – ACS Land Records

Bob came in with an updated proposal for the Board. The proposal is for a five-year contract at a cost of $900.00 per month. The services and equipment provided was discussed. Bob will supply a quote for ACS to perform the work as opposed to the Town doing the work for review. The quote presented this evening will stand until after the Town Meeting budget vote 3/12.

Executive Session:

Peter made the motion to enter into executive session to discuss a personnel matter at 8:50 PM. Randy seconded the motion. Motion carries. Vote 3-0-1

Peter made a motion to exit executive session at 9:20 PM

Bob seconded the motion. Motion carries. Vote 3-0-1.

Minutes 09/19/11:

Peter made a motion to accept the minutes as written.

Randy seconded the motion. Motion carries. Vote 3-0-1

Purchase Orders: The orders and invoices were reviewed and approved.

Other Business/Correspondence:

1.Hatin lease agreement 6/1/11 to 5/31/12 was signed. A check for $100.00 accompanied the agreement from the Hatin’s.

2.HHWD fee scheduled was reviewed and revisions made.

3.1st Constable job posting reviewed.

4.E.mail from Greta Brunswick, NRPC, partnership with NRPC FOR HUD Regional Planning grant discussed.


Bob a motion to adjourn at 9:53 PM.; seconded by Peter. The motion carried. Vote 3-0-1

SB Minutes continued 10/3/11.

The minutes were respectfully submitted by Stacy Wells, Administrative Assistant to the Selectboard.


William Ormerod, Chair


The above minutes are unapproved , subject to amendment.

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