

The minutes presented below are unapproved , subject to corrections and/or additions at the next Selectboard meeting. Those corrections and/or additions will be written to the original minutes. If you, the viewer, wish to personally see those changes, you will need to go to the Fairfax Town Office to view those changes as written on the original paper copy.

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Fairfax Selectboard Minutes of 09/25/06

Selectboard members Jeff Blake, Judy Cleary, Bill Ormerod, Charlie Swanson and Doug Webb were present at the meeting. Also present were Erin McSweeney, Randy DeVine, Don Pigeon, Alan Huizenga, Sam Ruggiano, Cliff Collins, Joe Jordan and Colleen Steen. These minutes are unofficial until approved by the Board at the next regularly scheduled Selectboard meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. Don informed the board that the highway department is done drawing sand. He will be working on the paperwork for the Surface Grant that has been awarded to the Town by the Vermont Agency of Transportation. Don also updated the board on the River Road project. The footings are in; the estimated date of arrival of the con/span bridge from CSI is Monday, October 16, 2006. Judy gave Don some Fitness Logs to be filled out by members of the Road Crew. The logs should be submitted to Erin by October 9th so they can be submitted to VLCT by the October 16th deadline.

Randy informed the board that he has spoken with Larry Cota regarding the Town's offer of temporary employment that was discussed at last week's meeting. Randy informed the board that Larry would like a contract and $18/hr. Jeff offered the possibility of a member of the road crew assisting Randy. Don and Randy will be headed to a leak on Buck Hollow Road on Tuesday morning. Buck Hollow Road will be down to one lane while repair of the leak takes place.

Alan Huizenga of Green Mountain Engineering attended tonight's meeting to discuss the Workman project. Alan informed the board that Bacteriological test results for the main water line were faxed to his office. He stated that the appropriate number of tests were taken and that the results are satisfactory; the results of pressure tests on the water line are satisfactory as well. Alan discussed valve arrangements on the water line at the intersection of Rich Road, and at the hydrant behind the elderly housing units. He explained that the number of valves in the record drawings was different than the number in the original drawings. Alan was not aware of any formal approval in place to change the design. Regarding the sewer line, all of the manhole tests have been clarified and are satisfactory with the exception of manhole AA. Alan does not have any documentation on this, and therefore does not know how it was built. He is not sure what tests need to be done on it. An on-site inspection took place on September 22, 2006. Alan stated that a lock needs to be installed on the valve on the 2" line that feeds the domestic line to separate the domestic line from the fire suppression line.

Sam Ruggiano and Cliff Collins of Ruggiano Engineering also attended tonight's meeting to discuss the Workman project. Sam informed the board that any changes in design were done with Randy's knowledge. He informed the board that he will provide the information on manhole AA. Sam asked Randy if he had seen the inspection and installation of manhole AA. When Randy replied he had, Sam asked why Randy did not bring his concerns to their attention at that time. Randy replied that he had concerns with the degree of the turn at the bottom of the manhole. The "T" design that had been done was affecting the flow of sewage. The design was then changed to a "Y". Sam also informed the board that the as-built drawings reflect the work that was actually done. Alan will review these and sign off on them. Randy informed the board that when he was conducting an inspection with Jon Easterday of Ruggiano that he asked Jon where the valve was that was supposed to be in place at the end of the line where it is capped. This valve should have been there according to the original set of plans. Ruggiano changed the plans to reflect what had actually been installed. By consensus, the board agreed that Ruggiano should fix this.

Paul Bean addressed the board regarding a potential water source on Woodward Road. He would like to know if the town is interested in taking over the well. Jeff informed Paul that there will be some restrictions on the land around it, particularly around the well head. Jeff informed Paul that he should submit a proposal in writing to the board outlining what Paul's plans are, and what his expectations from the Town are.

Joe Jordan addressed the board regarding his property at 14 Old Academy Road. He has not been issued a Certificate of Occupancy and the closing for this property is scheduled to take place this week. Jeff informed Joe that no Certificates of Occupancy have been issued because there are still some tests that need to be conducted on manhole AA for the Workman project. The Certificates of Occupancy will not be issued until Green Mountain Engineering has signed off on the project. The board is awaiting the test results and a letter from Green Mountain Engineering. Joe stated he purchased the lot from Gabe Handy and John Workman.

Bill motioned to accept the minutes as written. Charlie seconded. All board members voted in favor of accepting the minutes as written.

Tim Mack and Dave Koval of Clean Green Sanitation attended the meeting at the request of the board. Tim inquired whether the Town would like to extend the current contract for another 2 years. The new contract would be based on the same terms as the current contract. Tim stated that there would be a void for them if they did not continue to service the Town, and that Fairfax business owners have generated a significant amount of business for them in addition to the Town contract. Jeff informed them that there have been many repeat concerns brought to the board's attention over the past year; more so than the last couple of years. Jeff acknowledged that some collection issues are due to the fact that trash is not always out by 7:00AM, as requested by Clean Green. Doug expressed concern that there are times when there is residual trash left on the road. Tim informed the board that he and Dave have frequent meetings with the drivers to discuss procedure and concerns that have been brought to their attention. Bill asked Tim and Dave about providing an educational mailing to residents with information on the services provided by Clean Green and what Clean Green's expectations are of the residents of the Town. Jeff asked Tim and Dave about administering Household Hazardous Waste Day. Tim and Dave will furnish a written quote for the board's review.

The board reviewed an application for Temporary Water Service for the Workman project. Bill suggested adding a stipulation that the lock out on the domestic water line must be installed by the close of business on September 27, 2006. The information will be faxed to Gabe Handy on Tuesday, September 26th. The board will be notified of installation.

Charlie motioned to waive the connection fees for this Temporary Water Service application for the Fairfax Green Senior Housing project to accommodate the fire service. Bill seconded. All board members voted in favor.

Charlie motioned to adopt the Flood Hazard Area Regulation Ordinance. Judy seconded. All board members voted in favor.

A road name application was submitted to the board. Bill motioned to accept Gaudette Farm Road as the name of the new road. Judy seconded. All board members voted in favor.

Erin will send a letter to Barbara Murphy acknowledging her interest in serving on the Development Review Board again. The board discussed the notes from the Orphan Stormwater Meeting Erin attended on September 21st. The board discussed the Kick-Off Meeting for the WWTF Expansion Study with Dubois & King taking place on Thursday, September 28, 2006. On Saturday, September 30th, the recreation path dedication will take place. Amy provided the board with a final disconnect list. Jeff will follow up with Randy. The board received a letter from Brett Crane from the Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife regarding Elaine Kirkpatrick's concerns about the potential for flooding on her property. The board signed a public notice issued concerning the extension of the current Interim Subdivision Regulation concerning the construction of new roads for one year, until September 18, 2007. The board signed a Safety Policy and mission statement; a copy of this will be sent to VLCT with the daily fitness logs.

PUBLIC INPUT: Colleen Steen provided further information about the dedication of the recreation path, scheduled for 9:00AM and the bike safety fair, scheduled for 10:00AM-12:00PM. Colleen informed the board that the elementary school gym will be available if it rains. Also, Colleen stated that White's Bikes, Cindy Rutkowski from Community Health & Wellness, and Fairfax Rescue will be at the bike safety fair.

Bill motioned to enter Executive Session to discuss a legal issue. Charlie seconded. All board members voted in favor. The board entered Executive Session at 9:05PM. The board came out of Executive Session at 9:15PM.

The Selectboard meeting was adjourned at 9:15PM.

____________________________________ Erin McSweeney, Selectboard Administrator

The above minutes are unapproved , subject to amendment.

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