

The minutes presented below are unapproved , subject to corrections and/or additions at the next Selectboard meeting. Those corrections and/or additions will be written to the original minutes. If you, the viewer, wish to personally see those changes, you will need to go to the Fairfax Town Office to view those changes as written on the original paper copy.

Any time the Selectboard "amends" the previous weeks' minutes, there will be a statement to that effect in the minutes of the meeting at which the "amending" occurred.



Monday, September 20, 2010

Selectboard Members Present: Bob Horr, Bill Ormerod, Randy DeVine, John Mitchell and Peter King. (Bill Ormerod arrived at 7:30 PM)

Public Present: Carolyn Branagan

Call to Order: Bob called the meeting to order at 7PM.

Agenda Items:

7:00 PMCathy Jones – Office Assistant & Assistant Town Clerk

7:02 PM - Peter made the motion to go into executive session for a three month job review. Randy second. Discussion.

Motion passed. Vote 3-0-1

(Bill arrived at 7:30 PM)

7:50 PM - Peter made the motion to come out of executive session.

Bill second. Discussion

Motion passed. Vote 4-0-1

7:51 PM – Tom Wyckoff – Sewer Allocation

Mr. Wyckoff came in for a one year extension on his sewer allocation which expires 9/24/10. John stated that the Town has perimeters that they follow.

Bill made the motion that we extend Mr. Wyckoff’s final sewer allocation for one year from the date of receipt of the check no later than 9/24/10.

John second. Discussion: Randy asked, if it’s one year from the date of receiving payment, or one year from the date of expiration? It was stated it’s one year from the date of the expiration.

Motion passed. Vote 4-0-1

Skip Taylor – Road Standards

Skip came in to discuss the road standards prior to the PC meeting scheduled for 9/21. He handed a sheet out to the Board members titled “Road and Driveway Standards and Proposals”. It had the current regulations, the proposed regulations and the Fire Chief’s recommendations detailed. It also had the SB and Rescue response. Bob would like the setbacks brought up and commented on. Skip sent the Board an email regarding the changes made to the setback. Skip asked if someone from the Board planned to attend the PC meeting. Bob planned on attending.

John made the motion that we agree to a 5’ setback on side and rear lots for a structure 100 square feet or less in the Growth Center District.

Peter second. Discussion. Mixed Use District and Growth Center District 5’ setbacks for yard setbacks regardless of the size of the structure, or for small structures. 5’ for a 100 sq. ft. or less and stays as 10’ for larger structures. In the Rural Districts setbacks are normally 25’. Do we want to allow 5’ for smaller structures in the Rural District? John stated this wasn’t the motion; it was for Mixed Use and Growth Center Districts.

Motion tied. Vote 2-2-1

Motion failed. Vote 2-3

Randy made the motion in the Growth Center area that the setbacks can be right on the property line on the rear 5’ on the sides

John second. Discussion

Motion passed. Vote 3-1-1

8:25 PM Carolyn Branagan – State Representative

Carolyn came in as a follow-up from the meeting regarding the new regulations for signage. Carolyn called the AOT and talked to Amy Gambel. She stated that this has been on the books for a long time and that this is part of what your local highway money is to be used for.

Carolyn will continue to look into this for us.

Minutes of 9/13/10

John made the motion to accept the minutes as written.

Peter second. Discussion

Motion passed. Vote 4-0-1

Minutes of 9/8/10

Peter made the motion to accept the minutes as written.

Randy second. Discussion. TC & Treas. Deb Woodward’s leave of absence addressed in these minutes.

Motion passed. Vote 4-0-1

Other Business -

Land Acquisition: We can not allocate funds that are not in the current budget; we can not establish a budget until the vote is passed.

Therefore, can we eliminate the monies in the agreement? We will talk with Brian Monaghan about this. The date for the informational meeting will be October 26, 2010. At the General Election we will provide a display for the voters.

Tax Stabilization -

Bob will contact Deb Markowitz, Secretary of State, regarding 293 Fletcher Road, to see if we can lock in the appraised value of the property.

Revised Water Ordinance – Tabled.

CIP & Budget -

We have received references for the two parties interested in undertaking this task. John will check the references. The Board will make a decision by the next SB meeting.

Alternative Water Source –

Randy will talk to Paul Bean.

Purchase Orders: Reviewed.

Correspondence: Reviewed.

1. A letter will be sent to George DeCell addressing his concerns regarding Sam Webb Road.

2. An e-mail was received from Deborah Finnigan for corrections to the intersections on Swamp and Fletcher Road.

Town Audit –

RFP’s will be sent out for bid for auditing of the Town of Fairfax and Fairfax Utility Department financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2010.

HHWD: 9/25/10 - All parties have been contacted.


9:20 PM John made the motion to adjourn.

Bill second. Discussion

Motion passed. Vote 5-0

The next SB meeting will be held 10/4/10 at 7 PM.

Respectfully, submitted by Stacy Wells, Adm. Asst.


Robert A. Horr, Selectboard Chair


The minutes are unofficial until approved at the next Selectboard meeting.

The minutes are unofficial until approved at the next Selectboard meeting.

The above minutes are unapproved , subject to amendment.

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