

The minutes presented below are unapproved , subject to corrections and/or additions at the next Selectboard meeting. Those corrections and/or additions will be written to the original minutes. If you, the viewer, wish to personally see those changes, you will need to go to the Fairfax Town Office to view those changes as written on the original paper copy.

Any time the Selectboard "amends" the previous weeks' minutes, there will be a statement to that effect in the minutes of the meeting at which the "amending" occurred.



Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The meeting was held in lieu of September 6, 2010 which was the Labor Day holiday.

Selectboard Members Present: Bob Horr, Bill Ormerod, Randy DeVine, John Mitchell and Peter King

Public Present: Newton Garland.

Call to Order: Bob called the meeting to order at 7PM.

Agenda Items:

7:00 PM Don Pigeon – Road Foreman

Don negotiated the bill for the 2004 International dump truck with J&B International. The final bill is $5,526.15. He stated that the dump truck is burning oil and the motor is running at 60-70% and will need to be rebuilt in a year. He told the Board that he plans to update the 2004 truck as opposed to the 2000 truck due next year. The winter sand pile is ready for winter (4400 yards). Don stated he had a request to put wheelchair signs on Sand Hill Road. The Town will pay for the first two signs to be put up by Don. Bob and Don met with Greg Wilcox, Resident Engineer from the State of Vermont, this morning and ran another test to determine where the excess water is traveling. Don will work on the Maple Street storm water drain to be more accepting of water. The Access Permit application for Fred & Joyce Holmes at 101 Sam Webb Road was approved and signed by SB Chair Bob Horr. A culvert is not required but some trees and brush will need to be cut for visibility.

7:15 PM Skip Taylor, Zoning Administrator

Skip handed out his Activity Report, which covers the time period of 8/3/10 - 9/8/10. Number six on the activity report relating to Gerald and Annelle Pomichter’s request for an extension on his final sewer allocation for his 4-plex on Butler Road. His allocation currently expires 9/24/10.

Bill made the motion to accept Mr. Pomichter’s check for $100.00 and grant a one time/one year extension on his 4-plex located at Butler Road - Lot 5 to extend it to September 24, 2011.

Peter second. Discussion. Motion passed. Vote 4-0-1

Skip also stated that Mr. Wyckoff has been called a couple of times and a letter has been sent regarding his final sewer allocation, which also expires September 24, 2010. As of 9/8/10, Skip has not had a response from Mr. Wyckoff. Skip handed out a memo with two items he would like Board’s input on. One item is concerning IVS, the company doing our mapping. Skip question is, since we budgeted $4000.00 for mapping, should we agree to amend our contract to say “not to exceed $4000.00” and pay the additional $500.00 this year and have less carry-over to next year? Skip said he wasn’t going to authorize payment until he has a chance to review the maps, which have not been delivered yet.

Two, when Suzanne left, the former SB assistant, Skip was given the sewer allocation file and reviewed the allocations with Randy DeVine. He asked the Board if Stacy Wells, the current SB Asst., should now be responsible for this job. The details were discussed and Stacy agreed to take the responsibility over from Skip. The revised driveway and road proposal discussed. The PC has tentatively setup a hearing for Monday, October 25, 2010.

7:30 PM Randy DeVine W/S Superintendent

Randy stated that Robin Chapman is working on an inspection sheet checklist for all the manholes in town. When a visit/inspection is made to a manhole the findings will be put on the log sheet. Each manhole will have an assigned number. The water line has been severed at 7 & 15 Maple Street; they are no longer able to access water. The curb stops were lowered another 6” so they aren’t in the way of the plow. Randy is working on the residual management sludge field re-application which is due September 30. The airlines at the lagoons need to be cleaned in October. The water meters will need to be read. Randy will ask Paul Lavallee to help with this task. GME are reviewing the plans for the sewer lines at Paige Estates. They will review the project and provide the SB with their suggestions on that. Skip and Randy have been working with Sam Ruggiano on the Henning subdivision. Bill asked if the easements for Old Academy Street have been recorded. Randy stated that 25’ of easement have been substantiated.

7:45 PM Larry and Barb Young – Land Acquisition

Larry and Barb Young came in to discuss details of the purchase and sales agreement. Barb talked to Geoff Green about the access road. Sam is sending Geoff a sketch of the access road and lot as they want to get it in writing that this is not going to implement Act 250. The R.O.W. through the land has to be part of the 9.9 acres. Access to the property was discussed along with the pending zoning bylaw changes. Larry will bore a hole in Tuttle Street to see what it’s made of. Barb stated that some of the verbage and dates need to be changed on the P&S agreement. Barb pointed out other areas in the agreement that they felt needed to be modified. Bob will work on the changes discussed.

(8:14 PM - John Mitchell had to leave the meeting.)

8:50 PM Newton Garland – Illegal Dumping on Chaffee Road

Mr. Garland came in to discuss problems he’s having on Chaffee Road with people dumping garbage and furniture on his property. It has been an ongoing problem. Mr. Garland said that he had notified the Sheriff’s Department who in return told him to call the State Police.

Peter King also talked to the Sheriff’s Department regarding this problem. We will put something in the Fairfax News to address illegal dumping of trash and furniture.

Minutess 7/19/10 & 8/16/10

(The meeting of 7/19/10 was not a formal meeting, therefore, the minutes did not need to be approved.)

Bill made the motion to accept the minutes of 8/16/10 as written.

Peter second. Discussion. Motion passed. Vote 4-0-1

Other Business:

Corporate Authorization Resolution:

The Town of Fairfax will authorize the following people the ability to sign checks on behalf of the Town Treasurer at the Union Bank: Deborah Woodward, Amy Lynne Sears and Catherine Jones.

Bill made the motion to approve the corporate authorization resolution from Union Bank, superceding the previous resolution, giving Bob Horr, SB Chair the authorization to sign the resolution.

Peter second. Discussion. Motion passed. Vote 3-0-1.

The Town of Fairfax will authorize the following people the ability to sign checks on behalf of the Town Treasurer at the People’s Trust Co.: Deborah Woodward, Amy Lynne Sears and Catherine Jones. This resolution required all five SB members to sign.

Bill made the motion to authorize the signing of the municipal corporation banking resolution for People’s Trust Co.

Randy second. Discussion. Motion passed. Vote 3-0-1

Bill made a motion for resources of coverage for Deb’s leave of absence for six weeks beginning 9/6/10. At the end of the six weeks we will contact Deb.

Discussion: Randy asked if there were other resources that Deb could pursue. Bob suggested amending the motion to eight weeks.

Motion voted down. Vote 3-0-1.

Bill made the motion to extend the leave of absence to eight weeks beginning 9/6, at which point the Board will reassess. The Board also authorizes Bob to formalize and sign the formal agreement in place for rates, pay and responsibilities in the Town Office. Peter second. Discussion. Motion passed. Vote 3-0-1.

A letter, dated 9/8/10, from Amy Sears regarding payroll for Deb Woodward while she is on a leave of absence was presented to the Board. The letter stated that Amy will submit a time sheet for Deb each week for 35 hours at $18.00 per hour. Current employees, who cover for Deb during her absence, will be paid their normal rate per hour. Sheri Rainville and Donna Meunier will be paid $18.00 an hour if they are asked to come in to cover.


9:32 PM Bob asked the SB if they wanted to table the remaining items on the agenda until the next SB meeting. The Board agreed.

Bill made the motion to adjourn the 9/08/10 meeting.

Randy second the motion.

Motion carried. Vote 4-0

The next SB meeting will be held 9/13/10 at 7 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Stacy Wells, Adm. Asst.


Robert A. Horr, Selectboard Chair


The minutes are unofficial until approved at the next Selectboard meeting.

The minutes are unofficial until approved at the next Selectboard meeting.

The above minutes are unapproved , subject to amendment.

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