

The minutes presented below are unapproved , subject to corrections and/or additions at the next Selectboard meeting. Those corrections and/or additions will be written to the original minutes. If you, the viewer, wish to personally see those changes, you will need to go to the Fairfax Town Office to view those changes as written on the original paper copy.

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Town Of Fairfax Selectboard Minutes
August 17, 2009

Selectboard Members Present: Bill Ormerod, John Mitchell, Charlie Swanson, Randy DeVine, and Bob Horr

Public Present: Elisabeth Kirkpatrick, Chris Santee

1. Call to Order

Bill Ormerod, Vice-Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.

2. Items on the Agenda

A. The proposed reconfiguration of the intersection of VT Route 128 and VT Route 104 was reviewed and discussed. The decision was made to draft a letter to the residents of McNall Road outlining the proposed changes and table any further discussion until feedback is received from them.

B. Randy reviewed the pricing he received for the materials for the Buck Hollow Road waterline replacement. Ferguson priced the 200 psi blue brute at $8,740; and the 150 psi at $7,953. Ti-Sales priced only the 150 psi at $8,064 and did not include the flushing unit parts in their price. A price from E.J. Prescott had not been received as of the meeting. John motioned to purchase the 150 psi from Ferguson for a price of $7,953, Charlie seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Three voted in favor, one against, and one abstained. Charlie will discuss the scheduling of the actual work with Don Pigeon. The Board decided by consensus to have Randy place the order with Ferguson.

C. The information regarding options for the land purchase was distributed to all Board members and will be discussed at the next meeting.

D. The recent spree of vandalism in town was discussed. It was decided to draft a letter to the Vermont Board of Health outlining the Board’s concerns, and to include the individuals’ names that were contacted by Peter King. This letter will also be copied to our State Representatives, along with a copy of Peter’s health officer report. A separate letter will be drafted to the Franklin County Prosecutor’s office requesting assistance with this matter.

E. A request from residents of Fletcher Road was reviewed. The residents would like certain speed limit signs moved to possibly aid in slowing traffic down. Bob will contact Shaun Coleman at NRPC to see what the ramifications would be. If there is a problem with moving the signs, the Board will request a speed limit study be done by VTrans.

F. Randy’s proposed revisions to the Water Ordinance were copied and distributed to the Board members for discussion at the next meeting. VLCT will charge the Town $85 per hour to review the recently revised ordinance and can have it completed in September of this year. Bob will get a price from another individual on the review.

3. Minutes

A. Bill motioned to approve the August 3rd meeting minutes with amendments, John seconded the motion. Three voted in favor, two abstained. Bill motioned to approve the minutes from the special meeting held on August 13th, Randy seconded the motion. Three voted in favor, two abstained.

4. General Business

A. The Municipal Planning Grant program has been put on hold.

B. We received acknowledgement of our letter of intent for the Transportation Enhancement Grant.

C. Handy’s request to extend sewer allocation was discussed and Randy motioned to extend his allocation for one (1) year. Bill seconded the motion; four voted in favor, one abstained.

D. Quong/Spinelli sewer allocation application. This request will be reviewed in October 2009.

E. The Access Permit for Omnipoint Communications was discussed; Charlie will give to Don Pigeon for review.

F. Paul Langelier received the Grade 1 Domestic Provisional WW Operator Certification.

5. Public Input

A. Elisabeth Kirkpatrick expressed her disappointment with the Town’s lack of options regarding the vandalism.

6. Other Business

A. Duane Leach and Mike Farmer contacted Bill about the steel beams we had available. They are building nature paths around the school and would like to have three (3) beams if they are still available, and hope to have them brought to a location near the bus garage. Charlie will ask Don Pigeon about it.

7. Executive Session

Bill motioned to enter executive session to discuss legal matters at 8:18 PM, John seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Bill motioned to exit executive session at 8:40 PM, Bob seconded. All voted in favor.

8. Adjournment

Bill motioned to adjourn, Randy seconded, all voted in favor. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Suzanne Lavallee,

Selectboard Administrative Assistant

Robert A. Horr, Selectboard Chair

The above minutes are unapproved , subject to amendment.

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