

The minutes presented below are unapproved , subject to corrections and/or additions at the next Selectboard meeting. Those corrections and/or additions will be written to the original minutes. If you, the viewer, wish to personally see those changes, you will need to go to the Fairfax Town Office to view those changes as written on the original paper copy.

Any time the Selectboard "amends" the previous weeks' minutes, there will be a statement to that effect in the minutes of the meeting at which the "amending" occurred.



MONDAY, July, 18, 2011


Selectboard Members Present: Bill Ormerod, Bob Horr, Randy DeVine and Chris Santee.

Public Present: See sign-in sheet.

Call to Order: Bill called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.



The meeting is open for a public hearing for comment and review. There was no public input. The meeting was closed. The Selectboard adopted the Ordinance “The Town of Fairfax Statement of Procedures and Standards Regarding Town Highways” at a meeting held on June 20, 2011. It will take effect on August 19, 2011. It was posted in five conspicuous places within the municipality and advertised in the

St. Albans Messenger.

Minutes 7/11/11

Bob made the motion to approve the minutes as written. Randy seconds the motion. Motion carries. Vote 3-0-1. (Chris was not in attendance at the 7/11/11 meeting.)

The minutes of 7/13/11 will be reviewed at the SB meeting of 8/1/11.

Orders & Purchase Orders: Reviewed by Randy.


1. Vermont Conservation Commission regarding being a member. It was a consensus among the Board members to pass on the membership.

2. C.V.P.S. letter, dated 6/24/11, regarding a construction project to be performed at the substation on Main Street in Fairfax. Skip presented the letter to the P.C. They didn’t have any concerns with the project. The Board approved the project without reservations as proposed.

3. Vermont Forestry Association – posted on the wall. Chris will post in the Fairfax News.

4. State of Vermont Solid Waste Management - recertification

5. VLCT Health Trust Memorandum. The Health Trust Board of Directors voted to offer medical plans from all health insurance carriers operating in VT, including Blue Cross and Blue Shield, MVP and CIGNA. We will get in touch with our members relationship representative with questions the Board has.

6. Town Fair in Killington in October. This will be passed along to Don, Road Foreman to see if he’s interested.

7. Library Trustee’s letter, dated 5/15/11. The Board reviewed the letter as written. It will be put in the budget file for fiscal year 2012.

8. Email from Skip Taylor dated 7/14/11, regarding the Capital Budget. The PC believes that it has now done what it was asked to do. A memo will be sent to the PC thanking them for their efforts. There are no other projects expected at this time in conjunction with the Capital Budget.

9. Memorandum from the State of Vermont with the subject matter of penalties for late filed homestead declarations, dated 7/11/11.

7:00 PM Public Meeting – KAS – Sidewalks

(Please see the sign-in sheet for attendance. Forty invitations were sent out along the project route informing residents of the meeting. The meeting was held at the Town Office.)

Erik Sandblom, P.E. and Bretton Gardner, Engineers from KAS are here to present a Draft Report for the Fairfax Sidewalks Scoping Study along Main Street from Hunt Street to Nan’s Mobil. Erik gave a detailed presentation of the draft report which includes the introduction, purpose and need statement, project area and existing conditions, conceptual alternatives, general alternatives and preferred alternatives, right-of-way, utility impacts and a cost estimate of phases. The reason for the phasing of the project is due to availability of funding. Colleen Steen (resident along the project route) asked about the grade of the project in certain areas and about any pre-existing sidewalks. Bill talked about maintenance of the sidewalks, which will be provided by the town e.g. snow removal. Bob asked Bethany Remmers, NWRP about availability of funding through local grants versus federal grants. The archeological study is being performed by a consultant Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc. The report for this will be completed by August 1st.

The deadline for the 2012 TE grant application is August 19. We should have adequate information to proceed with the design phase of the grant.

7:50 PM Kevin Bushey – Franklin County Sheriff’s Department

Kevin Bushey, Detective with the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department came in to talk to the Board about changes taking place at the Sheriff’s office in St. Albans. He stated that he wants to give more attention to the town’s the Sheriff’s Department serves by being more visible with more results within the communities. He said that the month of June traffic violations stats were down. Bob addressed Kevin about work crews on the road and the potential for injury to them from people talking on cell phones and texting while driving. Kevin stated that the schedule for coverage can be adjusted to accommodate these situations as long as they are given enough time to make the changes. The Egg Run, coming up on August 6th was discussed. Bill stated that there was extra money budgeted for coverage for this event. Kevin will contact Katrina prior to the race to acquire the race route.

Public Input:

Carolyn Branagan, District Representative, is here to discuss matters about Class 2 resurfacing funding and funding for the covered bridge repair.

8:55 PM: Bob made the motion to enter into executive session to discuss personnel matters. Chris seconded the motion. Motion carries. 3-0-1

9:24 PM: Bob made a motion the exit executive Session; seconded by Chris. Motion carries. Vote 4-0 in favor.


9:24 pm: Bob made the motion to adjourn; seconded by Randy. Vote 4-0 in favor.

Respectfully, submitted by Stacy Wells, Adm. Asst.


William Ormerod - Chair


* Motion

The above minutes are unapproved , subject to amendment.

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