

The minutes presented below are unapproved , subject to corrections and/or additions at the next Selectboard meeting. Those corrections and/or additions will be written to the original minutes. If you, the viewer, wish to personally see those changes, you will need to go to the Fairfax Town Office to view those changes as written on the original paper copy.

Any time the Selectboard "amends" the previous weeks' minutes, there will be a statement to that effect in the minutes of the meeting at which the "amending" occurred.



MONDAY, May 2, 2011


Selectboard Members Present: Chair - Bill Ormerod, Randy DeVine, Peter King and Chris Santee.

Public Present: Don Pigeon, Diane Henning, Dick McAvenia – SD Ireland, Jack Milne – Pike Industries, Inc., John Cushing, Mary Kay Raymond, Stuart Delaney, Peg Stewart, Maureen Hoague, Katrina Antonovich, Mark Hunziker, Skip and Mary Taylor. Please see sign-in sheet.

Call to Order: Bill called the meeting to order at 6:26 PM.

(Deviation from Agenda:)

Public Input: Diane Henning came in for clarification from the selectboard on a water allocation for property located at 8 Boissoneault Road. Diane has power-of-attorney for the owners of the property Marcelle & Godfrey Stephen. Bill stated that as of May 2, 2011, there hasn’t been any water allocations returned to the Town. He stated that even if one was returned to the Town, it would be up to the Board of Water Commissioners to decide, at that point, if it would be resold. Since 2001, there has been a moratorium on new water allocations, which still remains in effect at this time, and no new water is being sold.


6:35 PM Don Pigeon – Road Foreman – Paving Bids

The bids were opened and reviewed by the members of the Board and Don.

*Randy made a motion to award the contract to Pike Industries, Inc. at a rate of $70.63 per ton. Peter seconded the motion. Motion passed. Vote 3-0-1.

Don stated that there weren’t any major losses due to the flooding.

He stated the bridge on River Road held up alright. The new truck should arrive this month. It will have the same lighting system as the state trucks do. He bought a new tarp system for the truck. Casella has been contacted to provide a dumpster for Green-Up Day. Don bought a truckload of steel culverts.

6:50 PM Randy DeVine – Water & Sewer Superintendent

Randy handed out his Sewer Discharge report with a 12-month average.

He’s been doing some spring clean up around the lagoons. He’s tied up loose ends with the Paige Estate’s project. A new set of revised prints were received which meet the satisfaction of the Utility Department. He purchased a new John Deere lawn mower and a portable air compressor/generator for airline cleaning and valve box cleaning. He was able to keep up with the impact of the flooding on the lagoons; and is aerating lagoon #1 daily. Randy plans on flushing the water system the third week in May; this will be done twice a year from now on.

Public Input: Peg Stewart, BFA School Board member, stated there was vandalism done at the school Saturday evening, April 30th, between 4:30 and 5 PM. The State Police were notified.

Minutes 4/18/11

Chris made the motion to accept the minutes as written.

Peter seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote 3-0-1

Orders & Purchase Orders: Reviewed by Randy.

Correspondence/Other Business:

1. Paige Estates: A letter written by Randy DeVine regarding Paige Estates was read by Bill. Randy made a motion to accept the letter as written. Peter seconded. Motion carried. Vote 3-0-1.

Action: The letter will be sent to Al Senecal, LNP Inc., Green Mountain Engineering and Cliff Collins at Ruggiano Engineering.

2. Recreation Dept.: A letter was received from Katrina Antonovich, Rec. Director, requesting a waiver of the building permit fee for a pavilion at the rec. fields. Action: This was tabled until the next SB meeting on 5/9/11. Katrina gave the SB an update on the rec. dept.

3. Justice of the Peace: Gary Gilbert resigned as JP. Lee Minor was duly appointed and commissioned by Peter Shumlin, Governor of the State of Vermont, on 4/28/11.

4. BFA School Trustee: Al Daniels expressed an interest in being appointed to the current vacancy.

*Randy made a motion to appoint Al Daniels to the position.

Chris seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote 3-0-1. The term expires in 2016.

5. BFA School Board: A letter was generated by Chris Santee to the School Board addressing the Town Office and parking area. He wrote the letter as a representative of the Land Acquisition Committee.

*Chris made a motion to send the letter as written. Peter seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote 3-0-1

6. Outside Consumption Permit – Grounds for Renewal, LLC AKA Country Pantry: A permit was received on 4/20/11 for a permit to serve liquor on the deck/porch of the Country Pantry. This has been tabled until the original liquor license is approved. A letter will be sent to them informing them of this action. Deb Woodward, TC & Treas. notified.

7. Forest Fire Warden:

*Chris made the motion to re-appoint Duane Leach as FFW to the Town of Fairfax. Randy seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote 3-0-1. Duane Leach was reappointed FFW, commencing 7/1/11 through 6/30/16.

8. KAS invoice for the “Sidewalk Scoping Study”: Kevin Russell, State of Vermont found a discrepancy in the invoice located in the overhead section. This was discussed with KAS as it’s not what was quoted in the RFQ. KAS sent a revised invoice.

9. Roof Repair Quotes: The Board received two quotes for repair of the roof vs. putting on a new roof. A discussion took place as to what the Board’s pleasure was. It was unanimously decided to repair the roof at this time.

*Peter made a motion to accept the bid from Slate Affair for repairing the roof. Chris seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote 3-0-1.

10. Unemployment Invoice: We received an invoice from the Department of Labor. Peter will investigate this for the Board.

11. Road Standards: A review of the road standards took place.

*Peter made a motion to adopt the Town of Fairfax Statement of Procedures and Standards Regarding Town Highways.

Chris seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote 3-0-1.

12. Water Ordinance Review: This will be put on the agenda for 5/9/11.

7:15 PM John Cushing – Milton’s Town Clerk & Treasurer

John was asked to come in to talk with the Selectboard with Town Clerk & Treasurer Deb Woodward present. He talked about financial budgeting, checks & balances and creating a policy and procedure manual for the Town. Software was also discussed; QuickBooks vs. NEMRC, etc.

8:00 PM Mark Hunziker – Citizen’s of Fairfax Community

Mark came in to talk to the Board about the planning grant and where they are today with it. He talked about in-kind donations the CFC is receiving. The CFC will continue with the grant process.


Peter made the motion to adjourn at 9:30 PM.

Chris seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote 4-0

Respectfully, submitted by Stacy Wells, Adm. Asst.


William Ormerod, Chair


The minutes are unofficial until approved at the next Selectboard meeting.

The above minutes are unapproved , subject to amendment.

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