

The minutes presented below are unapproved , subject to corrections and/or additions at the next Selectboard meeting. Those corrections and/or additions will be written to the original minutes. If you, the viewer, wish to personally see those changes, you will need to go to the Fairfax Town Office to view those changes as written on the original paper copy.

Any time the Selectboard "amends" the previous weeks' minutes, there will be a statement to that effect in the minutes of the meeting at which the "amending" occurred.



MONDAY, April 18, 2011


Selectboard Members Present: Vice-Chair - Bob Horr, Randy DeVine, Peter King and Chris Santee. (Peter left the meeting at 8 PM.)

Public Present: Terry Briant and Max Sloan

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Bob at 6:30 PM.

Minutes 4/11/11

Randy made the motion to approve the minutes as amended.

Chris seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote 3-0-1

Public Input: Terry Briant is here with her son Max Sloan. Terry talked to the Board about not receiving water bills from the Town, or the meter reading cards. The Board apologized to Terry for any inconvenience. She also explained that Max is here observing the meeting for a school paper.

7:00 PM – The SB meeting was recessed to attend the Alternatives Presentation for the Sidewalk Study presented by KAS and held at BFA.

(There are separate minutes for the Alternative’s Presentation.)

The Selectboard meeting reconvened at 8:15 PM at BFA – Elementary Gym to continue town business. The Public Notice regarding the Late Fee Policy amendment to the Water Use and Sewer Use Ordinances commenced immediately following the Alternative’s Presentation.

Other Business:

1. Water & Sewer Late Fee Policy – amendment to the Water Use Ordinance & Sewer Use Ordinance. Bob read the policy to the Board.

Chris made the motion to sign the Late Fee Policy, as written.

Randy seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote: 3-0.

2. Standards Regarding Town Highways policy – Tabled until next meeting due to some questions the Board had regarding the document. Randy will talk to Skip, ZA tomorrow with these questions.

3. Town Road and Bridge Standards - Town of Fairfax document:

Randy made the motion to sign the document. Bob seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote: 3-0

4. Fee Schedule: A review of the amended fee schedule took place. It includes fees from the new “Standards Regarding Town Highways” document; some fees were removed as they were obsolete.

Chris made the motion to authorize Bob to sign the amended Fee Schedule. Randy seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote: 3-0

5. Fairfax Recreation Department and Bellows Free Academy:

The memorandum between the Fairfax Recreation Department and Bellows Free Academy was reviewed. Peter made the motion to sign the document as written. Randy seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote 3-0-1

6. Monthly and Quarterly Wastewater Treatment Facility reports:

The reports were signed by Bob.

7. KAS, Inc.: An invoice was received for the Sidewalk Scoping feasibility study performed by KAS, Inc. for the time period of 1/3/11 through 4/12/11. The invoice will be sent to Kevin Russell, State of Vermont, Transportation Enhancements Coordinator, for review.

8. Lamoille Valley River Conservation District would like to plant trees along the recreation path. We will direct the questions to

Katrina Antonovich – Rec. Director.

9. Lawnmower: Randy has a quote from Harvest Equipment in the amount of $4,224.00 for a John Deere Select Series X320-Series Tractor with a 42” Edge Xtra Deck. The Board approved the purchase of the tractor. The old mower will be sold.

Orders & Purchase Orders: Reviewed by Randy.

Executive Session:

Randy made a motion to enter into executive session to discuss personnel issues at 9:35 PM. Chris seconded the motion.

Motion carried. Vote 3-0

Randy made the motion to exit executive session at 10:07 PM

Chris seconded. Motion carried. Vote 3-0


Randy made the motion to adjourn at 10:08 PM.

Bob seconded the motion. Discussion. Motion carried. Vote 3-0

Respectfully, submitted by Stacy Wells, Adm. Asst.


Robert A. Horr, Vice-Chair


The minutes are unofficial until approved at the next Selectboard meeting.

The above minutes are unapproved , subject to amendment.

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