

The minutes presented below are unapproved , subject to corrections and/or additions at the next Selectboard meeting. Those corrections and/or additions will be written to the original minutes. If you, the viewer, wish to personally see those changes, you will need to go to the Fairfax Town Office to view those changes as written on the original paper copy.

Any time the Selectboard "amends" the previous weeks' minutes, there will be a statement to that effect in the minutes of the meeting at which the "amending" occurred.

Town Of Fairfax Selectboard Minutes
April 13, 2009

Selectboard Members present: Bill Ormerod, Bob Horr, John Mitchell, and Randy DeVine

Staff Members present: Skip Taylor, Zoning Administrator

Public Present: Melissa Beerworth, Mark Hunziker, Peter King, Stephen Bessette, Greg Heyer, Carolyn Branagan, Katrina Antonich

1. Call to Order

Bob Horr, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.

2. Executive Session

Bill motioned to enter executive session to discuss a personnel matter at 7:02 PM, John seconded the motion. All voted in favor.

John motioned to exit executive session at 7:12 PM, Randy seconded, all voted in favor.

3. Items on the Agenda

A. SWIP Review:

Bob explained the SWIP process to date and the requirement by the State for the review of the plan. Once the plan is approved we will provide Casella All Cycle Waste with a copy.

Randy reviewed several items that need to be updated to reflect current amounts, prices, procedures, etc. There was discussion regarding illegal burning on construction sites and how to enforce current and proposed regulations. Skip raised the idea of a solid waste transfer station in Fairfax and discussion followed. The Town would view the idea as a positive and the State would look upon it favorably.

B. Carolyn Branagan was present and allowed to bring the Selectboard up to date on what is going on in Montpelier.

C. Peter King reported on a recent dog bite incident. Fine enforcement needs to be considered. Josh Langelier and Peter would like to get on the agenda to discuss enforcement issues. Peter will have Josh contact Suzanne to arrange a time in May.

D. Katrina Antonovich reported on her meeting with the School Board regarding the memorandum of understanding. The school requested a few minor changes be made, including a liability insurance issue for a school/town employee. Suzanne will contact VLCT on the liability insurance issue and get back to Katrina.

E. Water Ordinance Review:

There was much discussion regarding edits to the water ordinance. It was decided to continue the review at the next meeting scheduled meeting.

4. Minutes

A. Bill motioned to accept the minutes from April 6, 2009 as written. John seconded the motion. Three votes in favor, one absent, one abstained.

5. General Business

A. Application for a Boring Under Excavation In, or Digging Across a Town Road from Eustis Cable to work along River Road. Don will be meeting with the applicant tomorrow to discuss the request and report back to the Board on the results of the meeting.

B. Wheeler Easement on Goose Pond Road was reviewed. It was agreed to have Don contact the Wheeler’s to sign the easement.

C. Public Service Board Announcement regarding the Georgia Mountain Community Wind Project. Bob will be drafting a letter to the effect that the Town of Fairfax was not notified of a hearing last week.

D. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. Bill and Bob had discussed and there is some confusion on what is required, if anything. Bob will call Shawn at the NRPC

E. Skip wrote a letter to Franklin West SU requesting information that John Klesch was looking for.

F. Public Service Board Notice of Hearing on April 23, 2009. Suzanne will post the notice in the Town office.

G. Purchase Order Policy. Suzanne and Stacy would like to see the policy amended so that we can make purchases under a certain dollar amount without Selectboard approval. The Board asked that Suzanne and Stacy make the desired changes to the policy for presentation to the Board for approval.

H. Randy requested he and Paul attend a VT Rural Water Association Conference and the board agreed.

I. Bob and Don toured the 100 acre woods and concluded that no one should be accessing until the contract is completed. The logger will be putting signs back up.

7. Adjournment

Bill motioned to adjourn, Randy seconded. All voted in favor. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Suzanne Lavallee,

Selectboard Administrative Assistant

Robert A. Horr, Selectboard Chairperson

The above minutes are unapproved , subject to amendment.

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