DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD                                 February 2, 2011




Norman and Jacqueline Benoit Final Plat Hearing for a 4-Lot Subdivision on Cherrierville Rd. 



Members Present: J. Heyer, J. Beers, M. Casey, C. Rainville.

Alternates Present: None

Public Present: Skip Taylor, ZA; Norman Benoit; Victor Giard.


7:15 PM- The warning was read.  Introductions were made.  Interested parties were sworn in.  V. Giard made the presentation.  The correction had been made to the discrepancies on the size of Lot #4.  J. Beers questioned the appearance of Lot #5 on the survey and it was explained that Lot #5 is on the other side of Cherrierville Rd. and is not part of the subdivision. M. Casey asked about the land title question noted on the survey on a portion of Lot #4.  N. Benoit said he has a deed for the property and is not concerned.  Skip suggested that this discrepancy could be addresses as a condition in the Findings of Fact and Order if the project is approved..


J. Beers moved to close the hearing and move to deliberative.  C. Rainville 2nd.  All in favor.



Respectfully submitted,

Martha Varney, Zoning and Planning Assistant




Approved: ________________________________     Date: ___________________2011

                    For the Development Review Board




These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimously approved unless otherwise noted.